
意大利ISV创业签证——迈出意大利自雇投资移民的第一步 Ital

2019-03-26  本文已影响13人  87bd513b0d6d

飞出国: 欧洲部分国家近年来试行了一种新政策:以便捷、快速的途径为海外创新企业家签发入境签证。这种入境签证通常被称为“创业签证”。

为进一步促进意大利经济发展,意大利政府加大了对“初创企业”的扶持力度,并于2012 年10月经意大利政府批准,总统签署《进一步促进意大利经济发展紧急措施》的法令,法令确定了旨在促进初创企业创造和发展的具体举措,这是意大利首次针对该类公司的立法,并于2013年8月进一步完善。Italia Startup Visa(简称ISV签证)也就应运而生了。这是申请意大利自雇投资移民的第一步。


  1. 非欧盟公民即将加入的公司须为有限责任公司,
  2. 该公司已运营至少3年;
  3. 该公司须为经商业登记处特殊部门注册的创新型创业公司,且须符合法令规定的要求
  4. 在该公司中,申请人须为如下职位中的其一:
    • 董事长
    • CEO
    • 董事会成员
    • 审计员
  5. 申请人须投资至少10万欧元入公司,投资额将作为评估时考量的因素之一;
  6. 申请人与创新型公司为自雇关系
  7. 申请人的学术及职业经理须与创新性公司的核心业务相关


申请人需在收到创业签证后的180天内入境意大利,并在抵达意大利的8年内正式申请为期1年的自雇居留许可(Self-employment residence permit)。申请流程主要包括填写申请表、获邀并预约指纹采集等。


  1. 申请人需在自雇居留许可到期前30天内申请续签;
  2. 续签可获批有效期2年的居留许可,到期后可再续2年;
  3. 5年后申请人可申请无限期的长期居留许可,根据移民法案第9条,申请人如满足以下条件可以申请意大利欧盟永居卡:
    • 持有效居留卡在意大利居住满5年;
    • 5年内累计离开意大利不超过10个月,且单次离开意大利不超过6个月;
    • 已通过意大利语言考试;
    • 在意大利有超过法律规定的免于参加医疗保健最低标准的合法年收入证明。

What is Italia Startup Visa (ISV)?

A few countries, from Europe in particular, have recently piloted a new type of public policy:
the introduction of simplified, fast-track procedures to issue entry visas in favour to
innovative entrepreneurs from abroad. This new policy is generally called “startup visa”.
The basic assumption underpinning it is that the world’s most dynamic innovation
ecosystems are characterised by a strong presence of highly skilled entrepreneurs with a
migrant background. From this point of view, as recognised by the European Commission –
notably, with the so-called “Juncker Plan” in 2014 –, Europe is still unable to fully exploit its
enormous attractiveness potential, lagging behind in terms of competitiveness and

In particular, the experience of the most prominent global innovation hubs shows that the
inflow of a highly qualified workforce represents an added value to local ecosystems, in
particular thanks to a process of cultural cross-fertilisation resulting from it through the
exchange of ideas, practices and contacts. Facing increasingly interconnected markets and
fierce international competition, an innovation ecosystem must therefore be “global” in all
respects to be competitive; the same applies to the people that are part of it.

As the granting of entry visas represents an essential step to make the circulation of talent
and skills possible, slow and cumbersome administrative procedures constitute a significant
obstacle to the mobility of innovative entrepreneurs. The Italia Startup Visa programme
addresses this issue by introducing a brand new procedure: one that is bilingual, centralised,
digital, and fast-track.

Eligibility requirements

In order to be considered, all applications to join innovative startups already in existence
must meet the following conditions:

  1. the company that the non-EU citizen wishes to join must be a limited company; in
    particular, it must be incorporated as an s.r.l. (limited responsibility company) or
    s.p.a. (company limited by shares);
  2. the company must have been operational for three years at least3
  3. the company must be an innovative startup registered in the special section of the
    Business Register, and must meet the requirements laid down by Decree-Law no.
    179/2012, art. 25, par. 2;
  4. In the target company, the non-EU citizen must assume one of the following
    a. chairman;
    b. CEO;
    c. member of the board of directors;
    d. auditor.
    The entrepreneur and the innovative startup undertake, in a written document
    signed by both parties, to carry out all the necessary tasks to meet this condition.
  5. The non-EU citizen proves they have financial availability of at least 100,000 euros
    (or equivalent in other currencies) arising from their own resources, which shall be
    invested in the innovative startup. Higher financial commitments are encouraged,
    and regarded as a bonus for evaluation.
  6. The non-EU citizen undertakes to have a self-employment relationship with the
    innovative startup. The entrepreneurial contribution that the applicant intends to
    provide to the company must be well detailed in the application. This is achieved by
    presenting a specific document (Job Agreement) signed by both the entrepreneur
    and the legal representative of the enterprise.
  7. The academic and professional curriculum of the candidate must be relevant to the
    core business of the innovative startup, and consistent with the tasks described in
    the Job Agreement.

The self-employment residence permit

After collecting their entry visa for startup self-employment, the non-EU citizen beneficiary
of the Italia Startup Visa programme has 180 days to move to Italy and apply for a 1-year
self-employment residence permit.

The startup visa holder must formally apply for their permit within eight days of their arrival
in Italy. To trigger the procedure, the non-EU citizen must fill out a special set of forms (a
“postal kit”), available at most local post offices. At the same time, the applicant is invited
for an appointment at their local Questura, for fingerprint collection. This appointment is
prior to the issue of the residence permit in card format, which takes place at a later time
For other purposes related to the migration process, startup visa holders are subject to the
same rules provided for self-employment visa (and residence permit) holders:

  • the legislation applicable to family reunion is that ordinarily provided by the TUI (d.lgs no. 286/1998, art. 29).
  • like all holders of a residence permit valid for more than one year, the beneficiary of the startup visa is required to sign an “integration agreement” with the concerned authorities (d.lgs no. 286/1998, art. 4-bis, implemented by DPR no. 179/2011).
  • for startup visa holders current regulations apply for healthcare matters as well (d.lgs no. 286/1998, art. 35-36; DPR no. 394/1999, Capo VI “Disposizioni in materia sanitaria”).

How to renew a residence permit

Up to 30 days prior to its expiry date (and one year since the day of application at the post
office), the residence permit for self-employment may be renewed for a maximum of two
years. It is then renewable at expiration and can be extended for a further two years. After
five years, the non-EU citizen can apply for a residence permit for long-term residents,
which has no expiry date.

The renewal process is triggered by filing a request at the Questura with jurisdiction over
the area where the applicant resides. The request must be accompanied by the following

  • Chamber of Commerce company registration details (“visura camerale”) of the innovative startup, including its articles of incorporation and by-laws, and proof of its registration in the special section of the Business Register. The documentation must provide evidence that the non-EU citizen is a self-employed person within the company;
  • proof of having gained, over the course of the previous year, an annual income from legitimate sources higher than the legal minimum for exemption from contributions to the National Health Service.

It follows therefore that, in order to obtain the renewal of the residence permit, non-EU citizens must have already established a company, which must also meet the innovative startup requirements and be registered in the special section of the Business Register.

As for any other residence permit, a necessary condition for renewal is that the non-EU
citizen does not leave Italy for more than 6 months (half of its duration) continuously. This
requirement can be waived only in proven cases.

If, after renewal, the company no longer meets the requirements to be considered an
innovative startup (as per Legislative Decree no. 179/2012, art. 25 par. 2), the residence
permit is not revoked.

飞出国: 意大利自雇企业家投资移民,是针对非欧盟国家居民的一类投资移民项目。飞出国为广大申请人独家运作该移民项目,投入少、门槛低、快速获批、速享福利!5年可申请欧盟长居、10年可入籍意大利国籍,非常适合那些对意大利情有独钟、打算让子女留学意大利、或是因工作原因需要频繁出入意大利及其他申根国的申请人。



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