Hansa Yoga Therapy Module1

Amazing Vincent,amazing day.When you let something out of your body,nothing is all or less is more!Why we eager to feel more?Why we seek for something we unknow?Too fast will see nothing unless you slow down will see more。Change the old habits and the problems will be solved,because habits always cause our body’s problems✌️

Day 1 of Hansa Yoga Therapy:
Today is the first day of Hansa Yoga Therapy,we have known the Philosophy、assessments、stability 、changes and the methods of the observations,just like therapeutic touch and movement.
1. When you get a tool,you will ask for all the universe.
2.How to do it probably is the decision of the consequences of things.
3.Expand your imaginations and start from your head.
4.The relationship between whole body and partial body,just like your head position and breath mode.
5.Readjust our concentration.-Queenie2018.1.26❤️

The movement which is the outer container that based on our habits,which results from our life experiences. When it fuctions through our inner rhythms ,it links visual and perceivable results.

Day 2 of Hansa Yoga Therapy:
1.why we want to feel more?Because thinking has two planes and many emotions participate in it.But feelings have three planes:sagittal plane、coronal plane、transverse plane.You’ll forget what you think about,but you’ll never forget what your feelings.
2.We have learned six methods of practical movement assessment and observations:cat/cow、squat、forward bend、back bend、lateral movement、arm raisers.
3.In the morning we have did some primary practice,eg:cat/cow movement.You should observe the pelvis and spine,your head links the neck、feel to widen your collarbone,the relationships between shoulders and chest. When you are breathing,your whole body will breathe,when you are thinking,your whole body will think.Attitude is all above!People always do what they think.
4.In the afternoon we have learned therapeutic touch and movement:top of shoulder、first and second rib and shoulder blade.
5.Vincent’s logical thinking tells us how to develop a therapist's skills,there are three steps:observations、touch and applications.Our client hope to recover their physical and psychological health.It depends on their attitude and also is based on our skills.So we need connect with our client.We are not machines,so we cannot be input some programs and get the skills to make us be better.As the same way we should creat a satisfaction to make your client believe in you.Their life style will be affected by your attitude and suggestions.
Communications and connections are more important in yoga therapy-Queenie2018.1.27❤️

Day 3 of Hansa yoga therapy:
1.To learn yoga therapy helps me to connect with what real yoga is.Im thirsty to explore more feelings on experiments.Im more interested in what is the supporting behind such a large system and the differences between other systems.Learning is no endless,people should assume their own responsibility.Vincent Bolletta is a vivid man,he follows with traditions but not only what tradition is or maybe a little bit overtaking.He looks like water in sunshine,peaceful and soft ,energetic and flow,but most of the time,he tastes like subtly and slowly.
2.If you dont know what to say because of you dont know how to think.If you dont know what to write because of you dont know how to express yourself.If you couldnt think、write or say something,because you lack of training your logical thinking.
3.Seed form practices is the beginning to therapeutic process.
4.More simple more perceptive.More feelings more clearness.More clearly more simple.
5.Consciousness is stablility,you will see more,be more and feel more.
6.Asana includes individual function of our physical、mental and energetic needs.
7.We will also explore the subtle aspects of our breath.
8.We will learn and understand that how we move is the focus and that any movement expresses our inner most motivations.
9.Deconstruction is the process of constant release,is the process of regression ,back to origin and back to the experience of a real life.
10.In these days I get a point of view that through Hansa yoga i will further develop an understanding of human movement and natural biomechanical rhythms.—Queenie1.28❤️

Yoga is a way of breathing,so you watch nature is like watching your breaths.
Day 4 of Hansa yoga therapy:
In the morning we have a group discussion that to do a series of manual assessment .The next we do a therapeutic touch and some movements for each other to relax our body.And then we do some rehabilitation exercises to activate the power of muscles.The exercises we do that a lot of cat-cows to adjust our positions which we can feel the movement of spine when we are breathing.Vincent have tought us a new mode of breathing-heavens temple and entering the heavens temple.In the beginning some of us can't adapt it that they feel partial of our body sense nervous and chest invension.I find that I can not sense stability for a long time.So this is a softly approach to have a try on changing the way of breathing.So I can see that I know it is contradictory to the way I normally ask to breathe in yoga when I practiced all the time.It is a technically challenge and it's not just my already current way of technical breathe in yoga but also challenges that something in other emotional components set influence on my breaths.
When I try to breathe hard.On the contrary that I can't feel the freedom which breaths like a gust of wind or floating water of lake or moon light in the sky.Sincerely thank you all the great that we are all agree with Vincent that the breaths are really essential to practice in yoga.So he suggested that organise your breaths in a different way.
The heavens temple breathe is not gonna happened easily for you.It's not gonna be understood in a straight way when you don't practice a lot.Anything on intellectual level will not change anything only if it could be established in you.
Peace is only in your heart.Life is full of confusions.We should learn to be soft,be brave and be powerful.How to live a life?Maybe we must know how to breathe.-Queenie2018.1.29❤️

Day 5 of Hansa yoga therapy:
Yoga is a way of breathing and life style.It is a connection what intensive a great way to progress your understanding of yoga and practice.Yoga therapy is a way to recognise yourself ,which is more than yoga. You need to change your way of thinking and creat a new habit to explore the individual practices.We should understand how to support your students in a safe and intelligent manner.
If your client have an injury in body,you should release the pains or recover themselves at least immediately.Further enhance and contribute to restoring health.Everyone wants to be better ,be stronger,be more quickly,be more powerful that they don't know the truth about their physical body indeed of acquairing more and more.
We should respect ourselves and not everyone could accept the truth what individual bodies have different abilities.Yoga intension is to breathe and move.Breathing like the mirror as you can see your habits,patterns and rhythms.Yoga is the way you are.Someone who can not see the whole themselves by looking from the mirror,we should spend some time on adapting it and make an adjustment in a right way.
Yoga tell you what you are lacking of and which part is made you flexible and relaxed when you feel more relaxed.
Yoga therapy will awake the awareness so that the magic seeds plant in your heart and then they will grow up naturally in later days.There is an old saying that easy to know and hard to do.So life is full of challenges.The progress that we do things is always confusing.We need more patient to try it again and again that something we dislike or scared of.
Accept what it is ,let go what it was and have faith in what will be.There is no making without breaking.Body reading and postural re-patterning will be further explored to enhance and transform our current habits.
Lots gratitude to all the lovely people!—Queenie 2018.1.30❤️

Day 6 of Hansa yoga therapy:
Yoga can heal you or kill you.Our mind always cause problems and can't solve them unless you change your mind and the way you think .Life is made up with different problems.Confusion is never to be bad matters when you cross-over the errant way and lane.And then you look back,the problems in the past time look so simple.What else in the future on earth?We need to explore something we unknow.Exertion produced commutation that Taiji has the balance of Yin&Yang.The energy of the balance is the source of wisdom-an iron fist in a velvet glove instead of more powerful and stronger.
Hansa Yoga Therapy is another opportunity to further advance our understanding and develop a deeper sense of how to support self and encourage meaningful dialogue that the body is not mechanical model,but a multi dimensional organism that moves,feels and perceives the world from a variety of perspectives.Every step of grown up make me approach that bigger “truth”.
Life is going on and it's rarely to take things easy.We should keep on shinning and step by step to insist on this way.To work hard and have a great respect for yoga.Restriction is not a bad thing while freedom is relatively.We always do something that we have known,even though set you free,you'll not do things that challenge your life or your current habit.
So restriction and limitation are the standard that you try your best to fulfill it.Basically I want to share my feelings about these days how to know the masage points and where they are.Maybe all the students have the confusions and questions about therapy yoga.
So my suggestion is what to be more patient just like a peasant to plant the seeds.We should touch more different people and practice a lot.What we can do is to water the plants.We need more practice and more awareness to take care of your seeds.Practice and experience are just like sunshine,but nothing we can do except the time.
Time can also solve the problems and answer the questions that we have right now.It's like the baby learn to walk as fast as he can.Just learn it naturally and take its time.
It's an opportunity to say thank you and to say goodbye to each other.The best way to express my appreciations is to have the subtle aspects of more practice and sharing the feelings to others.
It's an amazing that the journey we are on exploring ourselves to touch it ,to feel it,to make the sense about different layers and models of yoga.
Vincent is not only a great teacher for me,but also a wisdom man like Guru.He teaches me a lot as well.It's quite unique and special opportunity to get together in this space.He creats a platform for us to share what he wants to share.He is the ground that I walk on and also the sky that I reach to.
I want to thank you sincerely,see you later!—Queenie2018.1.31❤️