Beats me!
不管是在学习中还是生活中,我们总会遇到一些自己不了解、不明白的事情,不过,如果我们去询问别人的话,有时候就会听到这样一个回答: Beats me!
Beats me!第一次听到这个说法,大部分小伙伴可能都会一头雾水:这是什么意思?难道是让我打他吗?
Beats me/(it) beats me here is a response when one does not know the answer to the question.大家其实可以理解为“I don't know”,usually used when someone asks you something you should know, or when you are particularly clueless about any situation.比如有人问你一个问题,问话的人觉得你肯定知道答案,但是你也没有头绪,可以说Beats me or It beats me,表示我不知道。
Beats me!我们再来看两个对话:
A: When's John's birthday? John的生日是什么时候呀?
B: Beats me! 我也不知道!
A: "How long has this milk been in the fridge?"
B: "Beats me. Check the expiration date."
第二种情况,“Beats me” can be said when you do not understand a situation or someone's behavior
当你不能理解一个状况或者某人的行为时,可以说“Beats me”。
Beats me!It beats me how she got the job. 她是怎么得到这个工作的,我真搞不懂。
What beats me is why she stays with him. 我搞不懂的是为什么她还跟他在一起。
A: Why did he do such a stupid thing?他怎么会做这样的傻事啊?
B: It beats me. 我也不知道。
我们除了可以说It beats me/ Beats me, 还可以说(It’s)got me beat/ You got me beat, which means I do not know the answer, I cannot figure it out.
Beats me!A: What's the largest river in the world? 世界上最大的河是什么河?
B: You got me beat. 我不知道,你考住我了。
讲完了Beats me的用法,大家肯定好奇为什么要用字面意思是“打我”的短语来表达“不知道”呢,这不是很奇怪吗?下面Lotus就给大家简单地解释一下。
Actually, not many resources on this phrase, but could come from beating information out of someone. When someone is holding back information, they would get beat until they tell the answer. In this case, the person could be saying that even if I was beaten, I wouldn't know. Therefore, it became popular to say "beats me" to indicate you do not know.
Beats me!以后大家想说“I don’t know”的时候,就可以试着换成“Beats me”来表达,如果发现小伙伴听到这句话后一脸困惑、并且仿佛要伸手打人,那就赶快向ta科普一下Beats me的真正含义吧。
"Beats me why he was so mean to you."