
day18-The road less traveled

2019-03-03  本文已影响12人  汉灿

            The issue is important,because many people simply do not take the time necessary to solve many of life's intellectual,social or spiritual problems,just as I did not take the time to solve mechanical problems.Before my mechanical enlightenment I would have awkwardly stuck my head under the dashboard of my patient's car,immediately yanked at a few wires without having the foggiest idea of what I was doing,and then when nothing constructive resulted,would have thrown up my hands and proclaimed "It's beyond me."And this is precisely the way that so many of us approach other dilemmas of day-to-day living.The aforementioned financial analyst was a basically loving and dedicated but rather helpless mother to her young children.She was alert and concerned enough to perceive when her children were having some sort of emotional problem or when something was not working out in her child-raising.But then she inevitably took one of two courses of action with the children:either she made the very first change that came to her mind within a matter of seconds--making them eat more breakfast or sending them to bed earlier--regardless of whether such a change had anything to do with the problem,or else she came to her next therapy session with me(the repairman),despairing:"It's beyond me.What shall I do?" This woman had a perfectly keen and anlytical mind,and when she didn't procrastinate,she quite capable of solving complex problems at work.Yet when cofronted with a personal problem,she behaved as if she were  totally lacking in intelligence. The issue was one of time.Once she became aware of  a personal problem,she felt so discomfited that she demanded an immediate solution,and she was not willing to tolerate her discomfort long enough to analyze the problem.The solution to the problem represented gratification to her,but she was unable to delay this gratification for more than a minute or two,with the result that her solutions were usually inappropriate and her family in chronic turmoil.Fortunately,through her own perseverance in therapy she was gradually able to analyze family problems so as to develop well-thought-out and effective solutions.


            We are not talking here about esoteric defects in problem-solving associated only with people who clearly manifest psychiatric disturbances.The financial anlyst is everyman.Who among us can say that they unfailing devote sufficient time to analyzing their children's problems or tensions within the faminly?Who among us is so self-disciplined that he or she never says resignedly in the face of family problems,"It's beyond me?"



