
2020-09-14  本文已影响0人  SAM52

16.5-Selecting an Issue-Simple Issue-Juvenlie Crime


For much of this century, juvenile criminals hava been accorded special threatment in the courts. Because the emphasis was on rehabilitating rather than punishing them.

one phenomenon - In recent years, however, the public has become dissatisfied with that system. Many people are demanding that juveniles who have committed criminal acts be treated as criminals, regradless of their age.
一个现象 - 然而,近年来,公众对这个系统变得不满意了,很多人强烈要求实施犯罪行为的青少年应该被当做罪犯对待,不管他们的年龄。*)

qustion - THe broad issue is usually expressed in these terms: Should juvenile criminals be treated the same as adult criminals? This broad issue has a number of aspects:
问题-广泛的问题常常被表现在以下几个方面:青少年罪犯应该受到和成人罪犯一样的对待吗? 这些广泛的问题有以下几个方面:)


