九号住宅 By DEMO
2019-08-18 本文已影响0人
九号住宅 By DEMO
屋主是一对年轻的夫妻,对生活轮廓的描绘相当清晰。家庭成员除了男主律师;女主/公职人员之外就是数只猫星人。在走道的分开处,设置了移动木门,开启可作为背景装饰。闭合状态可把可爱的喵星人活动区限制在房屋前场 The owner of the house is a young couple, whose outline of life is quite clear. Family members are cat aliens in addition to male attorneys and female/civil servants. Moving wooden doors are arranged at the separation of the aisles, which can be opened as background decoration. Closed state can limit the lovely meowing area to the front of the house. 入口处的隔断,构建了入口处的玄关,梳理空间的同时也避免入宅大门正对厨房的尴尬。餐厅顶部的黑色暗槽,将照明系统,空调系统整合于一处。同时顶部的黑色块在横向将空间感进行了拉伸 The partition at the entrance constructs a porch at the entrance, combs the space and avoids the embarrassment that the entrance door is facing the kitchen. The black trough on the top of the restaurant integrates the lighting system and air conditioning system in one place. At the same time, the black block at the top stretches the sense of space horizontally. 后场寝室同样采用减的手法,床头采用了同色饰面木作床头柜,并且转折至窗户下方,在满足储物和就坐的功能同时,下部的镂空处理,在视线上延展丰富了空间,提升空间体验Backyard dormitory also adopts the method of subtraction. The bedside uses the same color veneered wood as the bedside cabinet, and turns to the bottom of the window. While satisfying the function of storage and sitting, the hollow treatment of the lower part extends and enriches the space in the line of sight and enhances the space experience.地点:江苏/常州
项目时间:2019 / 6
Location: Jiangsu/Changzhou
Design: DEMO Design Studio
Owner: Lawyer Male
Material: Imported Wood Decoration, Natural Marble, Imported Coatings
Project area: 140㎡
Project time: 2019 / 6