2021-12-22 本文已影响0人
Vue在通过compiler解析模版中的slot, slot是组件中的插槽,通过解析slot,把slot的name属性值赋值给元素的slotName,作用是知道需要渲染哪些组件,后面会通过slotName获取要渲染的内容
function processSlotOutlet (el) {
if (el.tag === 'slot') {
el.slotName = getBindingAttr(el, 'name')
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && el.key) {
`\`key\` does not work on <slot> because slots are abstract outlets ` +
`and can possibly expand into multiple elements. ` +
`Use the key on a wrapping element instead.`,
getRawBindingAttr(el, 'key')
下面的代码省略了部分,作用是解析插槽的真正内容,获取slotTarget (插槽名)、slotTargetDynamic(插槽名是否是动态的)、slotScope(传递到插槽组件中的属性).获取的这些属性赋值给元素,方便生成代码的时候使用
function processSlotContent (el) {
if (el.tag === 'template') {
// v-slot on <template>
const slotBinding = getAndRemoveAttrByRegex(el, slotRE)
if (slotBinding) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (el.slotTarget || el.slotScope) {
`Unexpected mixed usage of different slot syntaxes.`,
if (el.parent && !maybeComponent(el.parent)) {
`<template v-slot> can only appear at the root level inside ` +
`the receiving component`,
const { name, dynamic } = getSlotName(slotBinding)
el.slotTarget = name
el.slotTargetDynamic = dynamic
el.slotScope = slotBinding.value || emptySlotScopeToken // force it into a scoped slot for perf
} else {
// v-slot on component, denotes default slot
const slotBinding = getAndRemoveAttrByRegex(el, slotRE)
if (slotBinding) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (!maybeComponent(el)) {
`v-slot can only be used on components or <template>.`,
if (el.slotScope || el.slotTarget) {
`Unexpected mixed usage of different slot syntaxes.`,
if (el.scopedSlots) {
`To avoid scope ambiguity, the default slot should also use ` +
`<template> syntax when there are other named slots.`,
// add the component's children to its default slot
const slots = el.scopedSlots || (el.scopedSlots = {})
const { name, dynamic } = getSlotName(slotBinding)
const slotContainer = slots[name] = createASTElement('template', [], el)
slotContainer.slotTarget = name
slotContainer.slotTargetDynamic = dynamic
slotContainer.children = el.children.filter((c: any) => {
if (!c.slotScope) {
c.parent = slotContainer
return true
slotContainer.slotScope = slotBinding.value || emptySlotScopeToken
// remove children as they are returned from scopedSlots now
el.children = []
// mark el non-plain so data gets generated
el.plain = false
function genSlot (el: ASTElement, state: CodegenState): string {
const slotName = el.slotName || '"default"'
const children = genChildren(el, state)
let res = `_t(${slotName}${children ? `,function(){return ${children}}` : ''}`
const attrs = el.attrs || el.dynamicAttrs
? genProps((el.attrs || []).concat(el.dynamicAttrs || []).map(attr => ({
// slot props are camelized
name: camelize(,
value: attr.value,
dynamic: attr.dynamic
: null
const bind = el.attrsMap['v-bind']
if ((attrs || bind) && !children) {
res += `,null`
if (attrs) {
res += `,${attrs}`
if (bind) {
res += `${attrs ? '' : ',null'},${bind}`
return res + ')'
renderSlot的作用就是把插槽渲染成node, 方法中的$scopedSlots是一个包含slot的名字和对应的渲染方法或者节点的对象,渲染的对象是slot对应的组件。scopedSlotFn方法不存在的时候,渲染插槽的默认内容
export function renderSlot (
name: string,
fallbackRender: ?((() => Array<VNode>) | Array<VNode>),
props: ?Object,
bindObject: ?Object
): ?Array<VNode> {
const scopedSlotFn = this.$scopedSlots[name]
let nodes
if (scopedSlotFn) {
// scoped slot
props = props || {}
if (bindObject) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !isObject(bindObject)) {
warn('slot v-bind without argument expects an Object', this)
props = extend(extend({}, bindObject), props)
nodes =
scopedSlotFn(props) ||
(typeof fallbackRender === 'function' ? fallbackRender() : fallbackRender)
} else {
nodes =
this.$slots[name] ||
(typeof fallbackRender === 'function' ? fallbackRender() : fallbackRender)
const target = props && props.slot
if (target) {
return this.$createElement('template', { slot: target }, nodes)
} else {
return nodes
Vue.prototype._render = function (): VNode {
const vm: Component = this
const { render, _parentVnode } = vm.$options
if (_parentVnode) {
vm.$scopedSlots = normalizeScopedSlots(,
// set parent vnode. this allows render functions to have access
// to the data on the placeholder node.
vm.$vnode = _parentVnode
// render self
let vnode
try {
// There's no need to maintain a stack because all render fns are called
// separately from one another. Nested component's render fns are called
// when parent component is patched.
currentRenderingInstance = vm
vnode =, vm.$createElement)
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, vm, `render`)
// return error render result,
// or previous vnode to prevent render error causing blank component
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && vm.$options.renderError) {
try {
vnode = vm.$, vm.$createElement, e)
} catch (e) {
handleError(e, vm, `renderError`)
vnode = vm._vnode
} else {
vnode = vm._vnode
} finally {
currentRenderingInstance = null
// if the returned array contains only a single node, allow it
if (Array.isArray(vnode) && vnode.length === 1) {
vnode = vnode[0]
// return empty vnode in case the render function errored out
if (!(vnode instanceof VNode)) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && Array.isArray(vnode)) {
'Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function ' +
'should return a single root node.',
vnode = createEmptyVNode()
// set parent
vnode.parent = _parentVnode
return vnode