
2015-07-29  本文已影响0人  dd1976b001b5

Hexo 部署命令 hexo deploy 执行报错

Hexo 发布内容到 github,执行 hexo deploy 命令后报错




type: git

repository: https://github.com/lanhouzi/lanhouzi.github.com.git

branch: master

下图 是 git bash 的截图

BlueMonkey@BlueMonkey-PC MINGW64 /d/GitHub/hexo/hexo (master)

$ hexo d

INFO  Deploying: git

INFO  Clearing .deploy folder...

INFO  Copying files from public folder...

On branch master

Changes not staged for commit:

modified:  ../themes/hueman (modified content, untracked content)

no changes added to commit

Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.

bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address

error: failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1)

fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': Invalid argument

FATAL Something's wrong. Maybe you can find the solution here: http://hexo.io/docs/troubleshooting.html

Error: Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.

bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address

error: failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1)

fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': Invalid argument

at ChildProcess. (D:\GitHub\hexo\hexo\node_modules\hexo-util\lib\spawn.js:42:17)

at emitTwo (events.js:100:13)

at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:185:7)

at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:850:16)

at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:5)

FATAL Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.

bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address

error: failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1)

fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': Invalid argument

Error: Fatal: TaskCanceledException encountered.

bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address

error: failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1)

fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': Invalid argument

at ChildProcess. (D:\GitHub\hexo\hexo\node_modules\hexo-util\lib\spawn.js:42:17)

at emitTwo (events.js:100:13)

at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:185:7)

at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:850:16)

at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:215:5)

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