again
an
and
age
answer%20the%20phone
airplane
always
all
about
actor
actress
after
afternoon
a%20pair%20of
any
a
apartment
apple
arrive
arm
around
ate
ask
at
aunt
autumn
avenue
baby
bad
badminton
ball
banana
bath
basketball
bathroom
bathtub
bear
beach
beautiful
bed
beside
before
bedroom
begin
bestgood%20well
bettergood%20well
big
bike
bird
bingo
black
birthday
blackboard
blouse
blue
bless
bone
boat
book
bottom
body
boots
bought
bowl
boy
bread
breakfast
bring
brown
bus
brother
brush
bus%20driver
bus%20stop
businessman
but
buy
bye
cabbage
cake
call
canmodal%20
camera
call%20on%20the%20phone
capital%20city
car
card
careful
carry
cashier
cat
ceiling
chair
catch
childrenchild%20
chalk
chicken
chip
circle
chocolate
clap
clerk
classroom
clean
class
clothes
cloudy
closet
cloud
coat
colour
comb
cold
computer
cookies
cool
cook
count
come
corner
cousin
country
cow
cross
cup
cut
dad
date
cry
day
daughter
dear
desk
a%20pair%20of
dessert
actor
different
after
dirty
about
do
a
dish
actress
afternoon
doctor
again
dog
doll
age
all
donut
door
always
dragon
answer%20the%20phone
airplane
dress
and
dresser
an
draw
any
drink
apartment
dry
apple
duck
arm
dumpling
ask
dumplings
around
dumpling
arrive
at
each
ate
ear
early
aunt
east
autumn
avenue
easy
eat
badminton
bad
eight
baby
egg
eighteen
ball
eighth
banana
eleventh
bath
elephant
basketball
eleven
email
bathroom
envelope
bathtub
eraser
beach
evening
bear
every
excuse
beautiful
before
exercise
bed
everyone
beside
eye
begin
bettergood%20well
face
bedroom
family
bestgood%20well
famous
far
big
bike
farm
bingo
faster
fast
bird
father
black
favourite
birthday
feel
blackboard
feetfoot%20
bless
fell
blouse
fifteen
blue
fifth
boat
film
bone
fine
body
finally
book
find
bottom
first
boots
fish
bought
five
flag
bread
boy
floor
bowl
flour
fly
bring
flower
breakfast
brother
food
brown
four
bus%20stop
forget
bus
fourteen
bus%20driver
foot
brush
from
businessman
fourth
but
friend
buy
fruit
bye
call
game
cabbage
garden
cake
fun
call%20on%20the%20phone
canmodal%20
get%20up
girl
camera
capital%20city
gift
give
car
gloves
carry
go%20to%20bed
card
careful
go
go%20shopping
cashier
go%20to%20school
cat
catch
goodbye
good
chair
grandma
ceiling
childrenchild%20
grandpa
grape
chalk
grass
chicken
gym
chip
green
chocolate
circle
hair
hall
clap
classroom
hang%20up%20the%20phone
clerk
hand
class
hamburger
clean
happy
closet
hard
hat
cloud
clothes
he
cloudy
head
comb
headache
coat
heavy
cold
colour
hear
healthy
come
hello
computer
helped
cookies
help
cool
her
count
here
country
hi
corner
high
cousin
hit
his
cow
cook
home
cry
holiday
cut
cross
hopscotch
cup
homework
horse
dad
hot
day
hotel
date
hour
dear
daughter
hot%20dog
desk
house
different
hungry
dessert
hurt
dish
ice
do
doctor
how
inside
dog
in
doll
ice%20cream
donut
invite
door
jacket
dragon
it
draw
jeans
dress
juice
dirty
jump
dresser
jumped
just%20right
drink
kangaroo
dry
key
dumpling
duck
kitchen
kite
dumplings
know
dumpling
each
lake
last
ear
early
lamp
east
late
later
easy
eat
leaf
laugh
egg
learn
eighteen
leave
eight
leavesleaf%20
eighth
elephant
left
eleven
lesson
eleventh
leg
envelope
letter
email
eraser
let
lie
evening
liked
every
lights
everyone
like
excuse
light
line
eye
lion
family
listen
exercise
listen%20to
face
live
far
famous
living%20room
lollipop
farm
fast
long
faster
look
favourite
look%20like
father
looked
feel
lose
feetfoot%20
loud
fell
loudly
fifth
love
fifteen
low
find
lovely
finally
mad
fine
lunch
film
make
fish
make%20a%20call
five
flag
man
map
floor
many
flour
marker
first
maymodal%20
flower
market
fly
me
meat
foot
forget
meet
food
melon
fourteen
menman%20
fourth
minus
from
milk
friend
mine
four
minute
fruit
miss
fun
mittens
game
mom
monkey
get%20up
garden
month
morning
girl
mother
gift
movie
gloves
give
name
go
my
go%20to%20bed
go%20shopping
music
go%20to%20school
muscle
good
mouth
near
goodbye
grandma
need
grandpa
never
grape
next
new
grass
next
green
gym
night
hair
nice
nine
hall
nineteen
hamburger
ninth
hang%20up%20the%20phone
north
hand
no
nose
hard
noodles
hat
happy
now
have
number
he
notebook
head
off
headache
nurse
healthy
ocean
hear
hello
oil
okay
heavy
office
help
old
helped
on
her
once
here
one
hi
his
onion
open
high
or
hit
orange
holiday
other
our
home
outside
homework
hopscotch
ox