
To-do list

2019-03-22  本文已影响6人  ycongcong
To-do list


Are you an organized person? Well, maybe you would say it depends. If it is about entertainment like tracing your favorite soap operas, that is yes; if not, that is another story. But you might be charged extra fee just because of forgetting to pay credit card bills. That is painful.

Chores, such as paying bills, cleaning the house, making a appointment with dentist, etc, so many things like that are lying out there. They are boring, dull and time-consuming, however, you have to do them regularly even if you don’t want to. Otherwise your life will be falling into a mess. These are life admins and many people are always struggling with them almost every day.


At office, we have managers and secretaries, so called admins, doing all these ordinary things for pay. They are work, tasks that have to be done. But most people don't notice that we are doing routine things regularly just for free.

Life admins are necessary but uninteresting and unattractive so people don't want to do them. People delay them to later days or just procrastinate them until it is too late to make it up.


Are there any betters way to organize our life admins? Experts suggest that making to-do list is a way out for some people. A professor of law from Columbia University and author of The Art of Life Admins gave her opinion on the BBC radio program.

After interviewing many people, especially super-doers, she said we can learn from them by making various to-do lists to run our life smoothly. When we finish one item on the list, we can cross it out and that can make one feel satisfactory.

Life is composed of many detailed and ordinary things that no one can escape. If we change our attitude towards them and also learn some skills, like having written records at hand, not being admins avoiders, we might find routine things can have some meaning in it.


Besides, we can use a reminder on mobile phone to remind us to do something. We can also make some routines automatically exercised just by signing an agreement with banks, like paying utility bills.

By doing life admins, we can feel a texture of living and some tiny achievements in our life. When we cross off a task on the to- do list we can feel a"done it" pleasure that goes with them. That is the favor of life.


