调试 maven-surefire-plugin

2020-09-23  本文已影响0人  蓝笔头


打开一个 Git-Bash 窗口,执行下面的命令。

meikai@DESKTOP-9TL46L9 MINGW64 /f/tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/maven-surefire
Cloning into 'maven-surefire'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 71470, done.
remote: Total 71470 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 71470
Receiving objects: 100% (71470/71470), 12.35 MiB | 8.05 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (24181/24181), done.
Checking out files: 100% (1905/1905), done.

meikai@DESKTOP-9TL46L9 MINGW64 /f/tmp
$ cd maven-surefire/

meikai@DESKTOP-9TL46L9 MINGW64 /f/tmp/maven-surefire (master)
$ git tag | grep M5

meikai@DESKTOP-9TL46L9 MINGW64 /f/tmp/maven-surefire (master)
$ git checkout surefire-3.0.0-M5
HEAD is now at 1eb35fd1e [maven-release-plugin] prepare release surefire-3.0.0-M5_vote-1

meikai@DESKTOP-9TL46L9 MINGW64 /f/tmp/maven-surefire ((surefire-3.0.0-M5_vote-1))
$ git log -n 2
commit 1eb35fd1ec6e54545c080079b23aacbb66e4936d (HEAD, tag: surefire-3.0.0-M5_vote-1, tag: surefire-3.0.0-M5)
Author: tibordigana <tibordigana@apache.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 10 20:16:36 2020 +0200

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release surefire-3.0.0-M5_vote-1

commit 02cca4dc3fba70a17b3a8fecc07c374a35e49d15
Author: tibordigana <tibordigana@apache.org>
Date:   Tue Jun 9 22:16:10 2020 +0200

    [GH] performance problem on Windows nodes

IDEA 打开 maven-surefire 项目。

maven-surefire 项目


新建一个新项目,使用 3.0.0-M5 版本的 maven-surefire-plugin


并添加一些 JUnit 测试用例,如下所示:

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;

import java.util.stream.Stream;

public class TestUtils {

    public void test() {
        Assert.assertTrue(Utils.test(1, 2));
        Assert.assertFalse(Utils.test(10, 2));

    void test(int a, int b, boolean expected) {
        Assert.assertEquals(expected, Utils.test(a, b));

    static Stream<Arguments> dataProvider() {
        return Stream.of(
            Arguments.of(1, 2, true),
            Arguments.of(1, 2, true),
            Arguments.of(1, 2, true)

上面包含了 JUnit4(通过 org.junit.Test 注解标识)和 JUnit5(通过 org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest 注解标识)的测试用例。

然后使用 mvnDebug 命令运行 test 生命周期阶段。

#  -DforkCount=0:不 fork 进程来运行单元测试
F:\work\private\english>mvnDebug  -DforkCount=0 clean test
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000

maven-surefire 项目中创建一个远程调试配置。


SurefirePlugin 父类 AbstractSurefireMojoexecute() 方法开始打上断点。

package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire;
 * Run tests using Surefire.
@Mojo( name = "test", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.TEST, threadSafe = true,
       requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST )
public class SurefirePlugin extends AbstractSurefireMojo  implements SurefireReportParameters

点击 IDEA 工具栏的 Debug 调试按钮,开始调试!!!


maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M5:test 日志打印结果如下所示:(已经略去非关键信息

[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M5:test (default-test) @ english ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running com.nocompany.mk.english.BaseApplicationTests
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 13.28 s - in com.nocompany.mk.english.BaseApplicationTests
[INFO] Running com.nocompany.mk.english.util.TestUtils
[INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.063 s - in com.nocompany.mk.english.util.TestUtils
[INFO] Running com.nocompany.mk.english.util.TestWordUtils
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.057 s - in com.nocompany.mk.english.util.TestWordUtils
[INFO] Running com.nocompany.mk.english.util.TestUtils
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.073 s - in com.nocompany.mk.english.util.TestUtils
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

maven-surefire 项目中



通过在 consoletxtxml 中报告测试结果。

package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.report;
 * Reports data for a single test set.
public class TestSetRunListener
    implements RunListener, ConsoleOutputReceiver, ConsoleLogger {

    public void testSetStarting( TestSetReportEntry report )
        // 1. 控制台打印测试开始(如:Running com.nocompany.mk.english.BaseApplicationTests)
        consoleReporter.testSetStarting( report );
        consoleOutputReceiver.testSetStarting( report );

    public void testSetCompleted( TestSetReportEntry report )
        final WrappedReportEntry wrap = wrapTestSet( report );
        final List<String> testResults =
                briefOrPlainFormat ? detailsForThis.getTestResults() : Collections.<String>emptyList();

        // 2. 测试报告输出到 txt 文件中
        fileReporter.testSetCompleted( wrap, detailsForThis, testResults );

        // 3. 测试报告输出到 xml 文件中
        simpleXMLReporter.testSetCompleted( wrap, detailsForThis );

        consoleReporter.testSetCompleted( wrap, detailsForThis, testResults );


package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire;

 * Abstract base class for running tests using Surefire.
 * @author Stephen Connolly
 * @version $Id: SurefirePlugin.java 945065 2010-05-17 10:26:22Z stephenc $
public abstract class AbstractSurefireMojo extends AbstractMojo
    implements SurefireExecutionParameters {

    public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        cli = commandLineOptions();
        // Stuff that should have been final
        Platform platform = PLATFORM.withJdkExecAttributesForTests( getEffectiveJvm() );

        if ( verifyParameters() && !hasExecutedBefore() )
            // 1. 扫描需要执行的测试类,默认扫描(**/Test*.java, **/*Test.java, **/*Tests.java, **/*TestCase.java, !**/*$*)
            // 可以通过 -Dtest 手动指定测试类模式(如 -Dtest="IT*,*Test*" )
            DefaultScanResult scan = scanForTestClasses();

            // 2. 选择测试平台,并执行单元测试
            executeAfterPreconditionsChecked( scan, platform );

    private void executeAfterPreconditionsChecked( @Nonnull DefaultScanResult scanResult, @Nonnull Platform platform )
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        // 3. 选择合适的测试平台(对于当前测试这里会返回 JUnitPlatformProviderInfo)
        List<ProviderInfo> providers = createProviders( testClasspath );

        // 4. 通过某个 provider 执行 scanResult 中的测试用例
        executeProvider( provider, scanResult, testClasspath, platform, wrapper );

    private RunResult executeProvider( @Nonnull ProviderInfo provider, @Nonnull DefaultScanResult scanResult,
                                       @Nonnull TestClassPath testClasspathWrapper, @Nonnull Platform platform,
                                       @Nonnull ResolvePathResultWrapper resolvedJavaModularityResult )
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, SurefireExecutionException, SurefireBooterForkException,
        if ( isNotForking() ) { // 不需要 fork,即 -DforkCount=0
            // 5. 在 surefire plugin 同一个 VM 里面运行单元测试用例 suties
            InPluginVMSurefireStarter surefireStarter = createInprocessStarter( provider, classLoaderConfiguration,
                    runOrderParameters, scanResult, platform, testClasspathWrapper );
            return surefireStarter.runSuitesInProcess( scanResult );
        else  {
                // 6. fork 一个进程,然后在 fork 进程中运行单元测试用例
                forkStarter = createForkStarter( provider, forkConfiguration, classLoaderConfiguration,
                                                       runOrderParameters, getConsoleLogger(), scanResult,
                                                       testClasspathWrapper, platform, resolvedJavaModularityResult );

                return forkStarter.run( effectiveProperties, scanResult );


package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire;

 * Starts the provider in the same VM as the surefire plugin.
 * <br>
 * This part of the booter is always guaranteed to be in the
 * same vm as the tests will be run in.
public class InPluginVMSurefireStarter

    public RunResult runSuitesInProcess( @Nonnull DefaultScanResult scanResult )
        throws SurefireExecutionException, TestSetFailedException
        // The test classloader must be constructed first to avoid issues with commons-logging until we properly
        // separate the TestNG classloader

        // 7. 调用 JUnitPlatformProvider 的 invoke 方法,运行单元测试
        return invokeProvider( null, testClassLoader, factory, providerConfig, false, startupConfig, true );


package org.apache.maven.surefire.junitplatform;

 * JUnit 5 Platform Provider.
public class JUnitPlatformProvider extends AbstractProvider

    public RunResult invoke( Object forkTestSet )
                    throws TestSetFailedException, ReporterException
            RunListener runListener = reporterFactory.createReporter();
            // 8. 在 startCapture 方法中重定向标准输出和标准错误输出
            startCapture( ( ConsoleOutputReceiver ) runListener );

            // 9. 调用所有的测试用例
            invokeAllTests( scanClasspath(), runListener );
        return runResult;

    private void invokeAllTests( TestsToRun testsToRun, RunListener runListener )
        RunListenerAdapter adapter = new RunListenerAdapter( runListener );
        // 10. 执行测试用例
        execute( testsToRun, adapter );

    private void execute( TestsToRun testsToRun, RunListenerAdapter adapter )
        // 11. 调用 DefaultLauncher 类的 execute() 方法执行测试用例
        launcher.execute( builder.build(), adapter );


需要使用 junit-platform-launcher:1.6.2 版本。详见参考!

package org.junit.platform.launcher.core;

 * Default implementation of the {@link Launcher} API.
 * <p>External clients can obtain an instance by invoking
 * {@link LauncherFactory#create()}.
class DefaultLauncher implements Launcher {

    public void execute(LauncherDiscoveryRequest discoveryRequest, TestExecutionListener... listeners) {
        Preconditions.notNull(discoveryRequest, "LauncherDiscoveryRequest must not be null");
        Preconditions.notNull(listeners, "TestExecutionListener array must not be null");
        Preconditions.containsNoNullElements(listeners, "individual listeners must not be null");
        execute(InternalTestPlan.from(discoverRoot(discoveryRequest, "execution")), listeners);

    private void execute(InternalTestPlan internalTestPlan, TestExecutionListener[] listeners) {
        // 12. 分别使用 org.junit.jupiter.engine.JupiterTestEngine 和 org.junit.vintage.engine.VintageTestEngine 测试引擎执行单元测试
        for (TestEngine testEngine : root.getTestEngines()) {
            TestDescriptor engineDescriptor = root.getTestDescriptorFor(testEngine);

            // 13. 使用一个具体的测试引擎执行单元测试
            // 需要测试的类存在于 engineDescriptor 对象的 children 字段中
            execute(engineDescriptor, engineExecutionListener, configurationParameters, testEngine);

    private void execute(TestDescriptor engineDescriptor, EngineExecutionListener listener,
            ConfigurationParameters configurationParameters, TestEngine testEngine) {
        // 14. 调用执行引擎的 execute 方法
        testEngine.execute(new ExecutionRequest(engineDescriptor, delayingListener, configurationParameters));


package org.junit.platform.engine.support.hierarchical;

public abstract class HierarchicalTestEngine<C extends EngineExecutionContext> implements TestEngine {

    public final void execute(ExecutionRequest request) {
        try (HierarchicalTestExecutorService executorService = createExecutorService(request)) {
            C executionContext = createExecutionContext(request);
            ThrowableCollector.Factory throwableCollectorFactory = createThrowableCollectorFactory(request);
            // 15. 调用 HierarchicalTestExecutor 的 execute 方法
            new HierarchicalTestExecutor<>(request, executionContext, executorService,
        catch (Exception exception) {
            throw new JUnitException("Error executing tests for engine " + getId(), exception);

class HierarchicalTestExecutor<C extends EngineExecutionContext> {

    Future<Void> execute() {
        TestDescriptor rootTestDescriptor = this.request.getRootTestDescriptor();
        EngineExecutionListener executionListener = this.request.getEngineExecutionListener();
        NodeExecutionAdvisor executionAdvisor = new NodeTreeWalker().walk(rootTestDescriptor);
        NodeTestTaskContext taskContext = new NodeTestTaskContext(executionListener, this.executorService,
            this.throwableCollectorFactory, executionAdvisor);
        NodeTestTask<C> rootTestTask = new NodeTestTask<>(taskContext, rootTestDescriptor);
        // 16. 执行 NodeTestTask 的 execute 方法
        return this.executorService.submit(rootTestTask);



package org.junit.platform.engine.support.hierarchical;

class NodeTestTask<C extends EngineExecutionContext> implements TestTask {

    public void execute() {
        try {
            throwableCollector = taskContext.getThrowableCollectorFactory().create();
            if (throwableCollector.isEmpty()) {
            if (throwableCollector.isEmpty() && !skipResult.isSkipped()) {
                executeRecursively(); // 17. 循环执行每个测试类
            if (context != null) {


junit-platform-launcher 依赖版本一致

maven-surefire 项目

修改项目根目录的 pom.xml 文件。

<!-- 修改前 -->

<!-- 修改后 -->

单元测试项目(这里是 english


<!-- spring-boot-starter-test pom.xml 文件中 junit-jupite 的版本 -->

<!-- junit-jupiter pom.xml 文件中 junit-bom 的版本 -->

<!-- junit-bom pom.xml 文件中 junit-platform-launcher 的版本 -->
上一篇 下一篇

