Strategies for soaking in progra
Elon Mush once said look at knowledge as if it were a huge semantic tree, and you first tackle you know the trunk and the fundamentals, and then once you have understood all of that then you move on to the large branches and the smaller branches and only then do you go on to learn about things are the leaves,the flowers,the decorative elements...
It is a really good guiding principle for learning anything not just programming.
Learn programming, we can begin from make our own project, make something really simple and just make it work. we can make a simple app and submit it to the App Store and then carry on working on new features and bolt on things to it.
From 0 to 1, and then from 1 to more...
Star embarking on a new journey and not just being a learner developer but being somebody who is able to figure out your own problems and the next step is just getting very very good at googling.
Most great developers have a really essential skill that is good at googling. They know what key words to put in that will get the relevant result and know how to looking for solution.
Googling is a really really key skill to acquire.
Another,don't have to reinvent the wheel you just have to find out how to use it and how to put that wheel on and how to fix it.
May you have a happy time. Enjoy life Enjoy coding.
2021.05.15 morning
Shanghai Hongqiao