另一种方法是通过对大块组织样本进行整合基因共表达分析来估计单个细胞类型的丰度与转录本之间的协变(covariation )。这种“自上而下”的方法假设,生物复制样本中细胞成分的变化将推动在特定细胞类型中独特或主要表达的转录本的共同变化。与单细胞方法相比,这种方法基于对数十亿个细胞的聚合分析,因此可以对主要细胞类型的核心转录特征进行高度可靠的推断。
通过分析62个数据集的基因共表达关系,包括代表所有主要中枢神经系统区域和技术平台的bb0 7000神经典型成人样本,我们确定了星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞、小胶质细胞和神经元的一致转录特征。我们创造了一个叫做“保真度”的新指标,它量化了基因表达水平与所有分析样本中推断的细胞类型丰度之间的关系。对细胞类型表达保真度最高的基因具有高敏感性和特异性:

Gene expression fidelity. A gene has high fidelity for a cell type if its expression is sensitive (it is consistently expressed by members of that cell type) and specific (it is not expressed by other cell types). Expression levels of high-fidelity genes are therefore highly correlated with the abundance of distinct cell types in heterogeneous tissue samples.
- CNS region / cell type search: The user can search by CNS region / cell type to retrieve the top 50 genes ranked by genome-wide expression fidelity.
- CNS region / gene search: The user can search by CNS region / gene to retrieve information about the associations of individual genes with major cell types, as well as top gene expression correlates.
CNS region / cell type search
细胞类型搜索示例。人类中枢神经系统星形胶质细胞表达保真度排名前50位的基因(外轨),以及这些基因的相关信息(内轨)。车轮图(Wheel plots )可下载为pdf格式。根据特定CNS区域/细胞类型的表达保真度排序的完整基因列表,以及绝对表达水平,可以从轮状图旁边的链接下载为CSV文件。数据下载页面提供了所有CNS区域/单元格类型的完整表。

Expression fidelity (blue track) is a z-score that quantifies the extent to which the expression pattern of each gene was correlated with the inferred abundance of the cell type over all queried samples (in this example 7221 human CNS samples were included).
CNS expression (red track) is an average of the expression percentile ranks of each gene over all queried CNS regional datasets (in this example 62 datasets were included).
LoF intolerance (black track) is the probability that a given gene is intolerant to loss-of-function (LoF) mutations. Data are from the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC).
PubMed citations (green track) is the number of citations in PubMed returned by queries for each gene symbol plus the name of the cell type (here, ‘astrocyte’).
PPI (interior lines) denote protein-protein interactions (PPI) from the STRING database.

- 选择一个脑区:

- 选择一个细胞类型:

- 出结果导数据