

2017-06-04  本文已影响95人  七老师

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The Economist explains

What to call Britain’s Conservative party


Theresa May’s party goes by many names. Where do they come from?

  1. WHAT’S in a name? With just one week to go until Britain’s general election, voters should by now have a fairly clear idea what all the parties stand for. Except that in the case of the Conservatives, many might still wonder about the party’s real name. They are usually referred to just as “Conservatives”, yet their manifesto was launched in the name of the “Conservative and Unionist Party”. More often than not they are also simply referred to as “Tories”. Which is right?

manifesto: a written statement in which a group of people, especially a political party, explain their beliefs and say what they will do if they win an election


  1. All three names are correct, and embraced by Conservative candidates. Their profusion reflects both the party’s long history, and its ability to stand for different causes at different times. Indeed, it is this ideological flexibility that has made the party the most successful election-winner in history. Historically, it is Tory that came first. The term dates back to the “Exclusion Crisis” of 1679-1681, during the reign of Charles II. Two factions emerged in Parliament during this time around the issue of whether Charles’s brother, James, a Roman Catholic, should be allowed to succeed to the throne. One faction, the “Whigs”, wanted James stopped from becoming king. The other, the Tories, supported his right to the throne. The Tories won the battle, and James became the Stuart King James II. Both terms were originally used pejoratively. Tory was derived from an Irish Gaelic word tóraidhe, meaning an outlaw, specifically one rebelling against the English invasion of Ireland, while Whig came from an old word for country bumpkin.

embraced: (formal) to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc, especially when it is done with enthusiasm
profusion: a very large quantity of sth = abundance
ideological: based on strong beliefs or ideas, especially political or economic ideas
succeed to sth: to gain the right to a title, property, etc. when sb dies
e.g. She succeeded to the throne (= became queen) in 1558.
pejorative: a word or remark that is pejorative expresses disapproval or criticism = derogatory


  1. Although the Tories began by championing the rights of a Catholic heir to the throne, they soon became associated with defending the Church of England and the rights of the aristocracy against the clamour for political change that arose out of the industrial revolution and the rise of a new middle class in the second half of the 18th century. The Tories mainly coalesced under the leadership of William Pitt the Younger, prime minister from 1783-1801, and again from 1804-06. In 1830 a journalist, John Wilson Croker, suggested in the Quarterly Review, a literary and political periodical, that they adopt the name “conservative”. The name quickly caught on. In the late 19th century the term “Unionist” also started to be used, to express the party’s opposition to Irish home rule. Even after southern Ireland won independence in 1922, “Unionist” continued to be used to show the party’s support for the continuing inclusion of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom.

champion: to fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a belief
coalesce: to come together to form one larger group, substance, etc. = amalgamate

3)虽然保守派始于支持天主教继承人的权利,但在18世纪下半叶他们很快就与捍卫英格兰教会和贵族权利相关联、对抗由工业革命和新中产阶级崛起所引起的政治变革的呼声。托利党主要在1783年至1801年担任及1804-06年再度担任总理的威廉·皮特·尤尔特(William Pitt the Young)的领导下联合起来。 1830年,一名记者约翰·威尔逊·克罗克(John Wilson Croker)在《季刊》(一个文学和政治期刊)中建议他们采用“保守派”这个名字。这个名字很快流行开来。在十九世纪末期,“统一派”一词也开始被用来表达该党反对爱尔兰的自治。即使在1922年南爱尔兰赢得独立后,“统一派”继续被用来表明该党对持续将北爱尔兰归入英国的支持。

  1. More recently the term Unionist has become popular again to remind voters that the Tories are against Scottish independence, or Northern Ireland being absorbed into the Republic of Ireland. The term highlights the party’s strongly nationalist instincts, always useful at election time. Tory, Conservative and Unionist have indeed become interchangeable in common usage, but individually each term reveals a facet of the party’s historical and ideological make-up.

interchangeable: that can be exchanged, especially without affecting the way in which sth works
facet: a particular part or aspect of sth
make-up: [singular]the different qualities that combine to form sb's character or being






