1. 在教学过程中,将生命传递给学生;
第一点是一段起伏的状态。回望最开始教学的日子,也是“毁”人不倦。把学生聊哭了,和人大小姑娘,北大才子成为了亦师亦友,这是最大的成功吧:既出分数,又达成了思想的交流。只是,剩下的呢?我启发了他们的兴趣吗?训练了思维吗?跳出了自己窄窄的框框嘛?I am afraid not! But I am still striving for that!
比如,前两天看的波西米亚狂想曲,比如现在听名渡山遼,我体会了音乐的力量。it seems impractical for us to listen to music or go to an exhibition. But the power of music is hard to imagine for people who have never been exposed to it. Take Bohemiam Rapysody as an example. I was shocked by the lyric, by the performance of Freedi. He was marginalized in the great society for his ethic, sexual preference. He cannot even gain the appreciation from his Dad when he was young. But he was clear about who he is, who he will be! He is destined to be a performer! He would use music to shock, to make his voice heard! Thus, when I listened to his music, I felt being echoed and released as someone who knows me well and clearly voices out! Likewise, when I listen to 名渡山遼,the ukulele melody seems to bring me to the shore of Hawaii, to provide me a fresh breath in the hustle and bustle life. That is the function of music and the magic of it!
That is the word I want to write, I want to teach! To experience and reflect life! Not simply memorize more words, phrases and articles!