大师游戏II 078~灾难/礼物

2021-07-14  本文已影响0人  心水


If I get flashes of hospital deathbed scenes, I fear I may be giving energy to such an outcome, almost 'creating' it. I just
can't get it out of my head - what did I do to cause this? What did I do wrong? What am I saying to myself by getting cancer? Do I somehow not want to live? Is my will strong
enough now? Am I punishing myself somehow?" I began sobbing again, this time into my vegetable soup. Ken pulled his chair around and held me. "That's good soup, you know."

I'm frightened. How do I need
to change? Do I need to change? I want you to tell me what you honestlythink."


Treya开始问她的新婚丈夫,大名鼎鼎的Ken Wilber:“你是怎么想的?”

"I don't know what caused the cancer, and I don't think anybody does. The people that go around saying that cancer is caused primarily by repressed emotions or low self-esteem or spiritual anemia - they don't know what they're talking about. There is no credible evidence whatsoever for those
notions; they'rebasically put forward by people who are trying to sell you
something anyway.

Since nobody knows what
caused your cancer, I don't know
what you should change in order to
help cure it. So why don't you try
this. Why don't you use cancer as a
metaphor and a spur to change all
thosethings in your life that you
wanted to change



In other words, repressing certain emotions may ormay not have helped cause the cancer, but since you want to stop repressing those emotions anyway,
then use the cancer as a reason, as an excuse, to do so. I know advice is cheap here, but why not take the cancer as an opportunity to change all those things on your list that can be changed?"


And don't change them because youthink they caused cancer - that will just make you feel guilty - change them simply because they should bechanged in any event. You don't need cancer to tell you what you need to work on. You already know. Solet's start. Let'smake it a new beginning. I'll help. It'll be fun. Really. Am I getting goofy or what? We could call it Fun with Cancer." We both started laughing out loud.




Cancer would certainly be a part of my life from now on, but not simply in terms of
constant checkups or constant awareness of the possibility of a recurrence. I was going to use it in as many ways as possible.

Philosophically, to get me to look at
death more closely, to help me
prepare to diewhen the time came, to
look at the meaning and purpose of
my life.


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