
2018-06-27  本文已影响0人  汤圆一样的人






  接着,她露出一个美丽的笑容:“我的名字是Ould, Tyler Moore(阿济•泰勒•摩尔顿)今天我以美国财政部部长的身份给大家做演讲。”台下顿时掌声雷动。








A few years ago, an important person came to Jack's school speech, as a student, Jack went to the lecture.

Jack's school is not very big, when he showed up, the whole are students in the auditorium, everybody to have the opportunity to listen to somebody's speech but feel excited.

President after a brief introduction, the speaker walked to the front of the microphone, from left to right scan it again, and said: "my mother is deaf, so she could not speak, then he was illiterate, so I could not confirm who is my father, I also don't know whether he is still alive, my life's first job was working in cotton field."

The audience an uproar.

"If the situation is bad, we can always find a solution."

She paused, and said "a person's future, luck has nothing to do with him, more not because of who environment or living in the home."

"If a person really want to give edge is unpleasant or defeat at the time, is very simple."

All eyes pressed against her, as if she would run away, "need to know what you want, or want to become what appearance, and dedication, and take action."

Then she smiled a beautiful smile: "my name is Ould, Tyler Moore (Ould, Tyler Moore's) today I gave us a speech in my capacity as minister of the Treasury."

The audience applause immediately.

The environment is not everything. To change the world for knowledge does not meet the power comes from the heart.

Remember: the wheel of discontent is motivated.

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