

2018-09-19  本文已影响44人  tianlang136520

1、-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC(每次gc(yonggc,fullgc) 都会输出gc前后堆信息)
CMS中 log:

{Heap before GC invocations=1 (full 0):
 par new generation   total 46080K, used 42256K [0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007b6a00000, 0x00000007b6a00000)
  eden space 40960K,  99% used [0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007b5fc6ae0, 0x00000007b6000000)
  from space 5120K,  29% used [0x00000007b6500000, 0x00000007b667d750, 0x00000007b6a00000)
  to   space 5120K,   0% used [0x00000007b6000000, 0x00000007b6000000, 0x00000007b6500000)
 concurrent mark-sweep generation total 153600K, used 0K [0x00000007b6a00000, 0x00000007c0000000, 0x00000007c0000000)
 Metaspace       used 3288K, capacity 4496K, committed 4864K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 362K, capacity 388K, committed 512K, reserved 1048576K
2018-08-03T17:40:09.703-0800: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2018-08-03T17:40:09.703-0800: [ParNew
Desired survivor size 3145728 bytes, new threshold 3 (max 3)
- age   2:    1492936 bytes,    1492936 total
: 42256K->1686K(46080K), 0.0013712 secs] 42256K->1686K(199680K), 0.0014078 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
Heap after GC invocations=2 (full 0):
 par new generation   total 46080K, used 1686K [0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007b6a00000, 0x00000007b6a00000)
  eden space 40960K,   0% used [0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007b6000000)
  from space 5120K,  32% used [0x00000007b6000000, 0x00000007b61a5b18, 0x00000007b6500000)
  to   space 5120K,   0% used [0x00000007b6500000, 0x00000007b6500000, 0x00000007b6a00000)
 concurrent mark-sweep generation total 153600K, used 0K [0x00000007b6a00000, 0x00000007c0000000, 0x00000007c0000000)
 Metaspace       used 3288K, capacity 4496K, committed 4864K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 362K, capacity 388K, committed 512K, reserved 1048576K


{Heap before GC invocations=5 (full 0):
 PSYoungGen      total 45056K, used 38644K [0x00000007bce00000, 0x00000007c0000000, 0x00000007c0000000)
  eden space 38912K, 99% used [0x00000007bce00000,0x00000007bf3bd328,0x00000007bf400000)
  from space 6144K, 0% used [0x00000007bfa00000,0x00000007bfa00000,0x00000007c0000000)
  to   space 6144K, 0% used [0x00000007bf400000,0x00000007bf400000,0x00000007bfa00000)
 ParOldGen       total 153600K, used 1509K [0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007bce00000, 0x00000007bce00000)
  object space 153600K, 0% used [0x00000007b3800000,0x00000007b39797c8,0x00000007bce00000)
 Metaspace       used 3290K, capacity 4496K, committed 4864K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 362K, capacity 388K, committed 512K, reserved 1048576K
2018-08-03T17:50:29.631-0800: [GC (Allocation Failure) 
Desired survivor size 3670016 bytes, new threshold 2 (max 3)
[PSYoungGen: 38644K->3072K(45056K)] 40154K->4581K(198656K), 0.0037607 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
Heap after GC invocations=5 (full 0):
 PSYoungGen      total 45056K, used 3072K [0x00000007bce00000, 0x00000007c0000000, 0x00000007c0000000)
  eden space 38912K, 0% used [0x00000007bce00000,0x00000007bce00000,0x00000007bf400000)
  from space 6144K, 50% used [0x00000007bf400000,0x00000007bf700030,0x00000007bfa00000)
  to   space 3584K, 0% used [0x00000007bfc80000,0x00000007bfc80000,0x00000007c0000000)
 ParOldGen       total 153600K, used 1509K [0x00000007b3800000, 0x00000007bce00000, 0x00000007bce00000)
  object space 153600K, 0% used [0x00000007b3800000,0x00000007b39797c8,0x00000007bce00000)
 Metaspace       used 3290K, capacity 4496K, committed 4864K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 362K, capacity 388K, committed 512K, reserved 1048576K

2、-verbose:gc (每次gc(yonggc,fullgc) 输出前后结果信息)

[GC (Allocation Failure)  37929K->1720K(198656K), 0.0015626 secs]
[GC (Allocation Failure)  40362K->1576K(198656K), 0.0018508 secs]


Desired survivor size 3145728 bytes, new threshold 3 (max 3)
- age   1:    1528520 bytes,    1528520 total

Desired survivor size 3145728 bytes, new threshold 3 (max 3)
- age   2:    1493000 bytes,    1493000 total


Desired survivor size 6291456 bytes, new threshold 3 (max 3)

Desired survivor size 6291456 bytes, new threshold 3 (max 3)

Desired survivor size 6291456 bytes, new threshold 3 (max 3)

4、单独使用:-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps、-XX:+PrintReferenceGC 、-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps



[GC (Allocation Failure) [ParNew: 40141K->1529K(46080K), 0.0016821 secs] 40141K->1529K(199680K), 0.0017271 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
[GC (Allocation Failure) [ParNew: 42260K->1618K(46080K), 0.0015961 secs] 42260K->1618K(199680K), 0.0016258 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
[GC (Allocation Failure) [ParNew: 42145K->1637K(46080K), 0.0013662 secs] 42145K->1637K(199680K), 0.0014078 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.00 secs] 
[GC (Allocation Failure) [ParNew: 42366K->0K(46080K), 0.0049625 secs] 42366K->1502K(199680K), 0.0049983 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs] 


[GC (Allocation Failure) [PSYoungGen: 37929K->1616K(45056K)] 37929K->1624K(198656K), 0.0022814 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
[GC (Allocation Failure) [PSYoungGen: 40258K->1664K(45056K)] 40266K->1672K(198656K), 0.0019262 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.00 secs] 
[GC (Allocation Failure) [PSYoungGen: 40062K->1584K(45056K)] 40070K->1592K(198656K), 0.0010587 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
[GC (Allocation Failure) [PSYoungGen: 40225K->0K(45056K)] 40233K->1501K(198656K), 0.0018711 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 


7.774: [GC (Allocation Failure)  32768K->17253K(200704K), 0.0833318 secs]
23.877: [GC (Allocation Failure)  50021K->52439K(200704K), 0.0543904 secs]
40.501: [GC (Allocation Failure)  85207K->84427K(200704K), 0.0473820 secs]
56.633: [GC (Allocation Failure)  117195K->116277K(200704K), 0.0425909 secs]
73.247: [GC (Allocation Failure)  149045K->148270K(200704K), 0.0435195 secs]
73.291: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)  148386K(200704K), 0.0011136 secs]
73.396: [GC (CMS Final Remark)  148767K(200704K), 0.0028249 secs]
75.464: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)  153371K(200704K), 0.0033355 secs]
80.679: [GC (CMS Final Remark)  163165K(200704K), 0.0045811 secs]
82.747: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)  167081K(200704K), 0.0065648 secs]
82.858: [GC (CMS Final Remark)  168061K(200704K), 0.0061034 secs]
84.933: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)  171915K(200704K), 0.0108552 secs]
85.047: [GC (CMS Final Remark)  171915K(200704K), 0.0085279 secs]
87.120: [GC (CMS Initial Mark)  175833K(200704K), 0.0084935 secs]


-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails  
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution 
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