There are 24 hours in a day. 一天有 24 小时。
The clock shows only 12 hours. 时钟只显示 12 个小时。
So the hour hand goes around two times a day. 因此,时针一天跑两圈。
The short hand tells you the hour on the clock. 时钟的短针告诉你几点。
The long hand tells you the minute. 长针告诉你几分。
When the hour hand points to 1 and the minute hand points to 12, it's 1 o'clock.当时针指在 1,而分针指在 12 的时候,就是 1 点。
1 hour is 60 minutes. 一个小时有 60 分钟。
1 represents 5 minutes, and 2 represents 10 minutes.1 代表 5 分钟,而 2 代表 10 分钟。
It's like skip counting by 5s. 这好像以每五分钟来简略计算。
One second is equal to one blink of an eye. 一秒跟眼睛眨一下的时间差不多。
60 seconds are equal to 1 minute. 60 秒就是 1 分钟。
AM is the morning, and PM is the midday and evening.AM 是早上,PM 是下午和晚上。
What time is it now? 现在几点?
It's four forty-five. 4 点 45 分。
It's fifteen to three. 还有 15 分,就 3 点了。