Application Layers

2017-09-18  本文已影响14人  星期六1111


today our session is about the Application Layers,At the first is three-tier architecture.


Q1: what's Three-tier architecture?

three-tier architecture.png

Q2: what's the MVC ?
A2: MVC refers to: Model model, View view, Controller control device.

Q3:What's the difference be between MVC and three-tier architecture?
MVC is very similar to the three-tier architecture, but they are not the same. If the three-tier structure as the background, then the three parts of MVC correspond to what?
Three layers of the structure of the View layer is simply a direct relationship with the user layer, MVC in the V and C is such a presence, so MVC in the V and C are three layers of the structure of the View layer. At the same time, we know that M (Model) in MVC includes data bearing bean and business processing bean, in which business processing bean is divided into Service or Dao objects, respectively, corresponding to business logic processing and database operations, corresponding, they correspond to the three The Service layer and the Dao layer in the architecture. Therefore, their relationship as shown below:

MVC and three-tier architecture .png


before I don't know the relation between three-tier architecture and MVC.We learn should go to the deep level of learning, find out what it is related to learning, do not stay on the surface.


from the next real project to understand the three-tier architecture and MVC...


