
A sharing about writing

2017-09-16  本文已影响0人  韦韦ViVi

Hello, good evening everyone of class24 and the ones who come from other classes. It's a great honor to be invited to give a speech about writing tonight.

Actually I was quite flattered when Wu Tong, your duty student this month, asked me to do this. Because I never think that I'm good at writing.

But we always say that we should be brave and not care about our face too much. So here I am, trying to be something and really give something.

The first topic I want to share is how a roster to become a teacher who can share knowledge and experience about writing through 9months of practice. Haha, a little bit arrogant I know, but I'm sure you guys can understand what I really want to express.

First of all, push youself to start writing by the influence from the outside. Science shows that mentality control our behaviors and our behaviors change the feelings. So it so much easier for us to sing and dance to make ourselves happy than to keep reminding us to  BE happy.  It goes the same with starting to write and keeping the habit. I got myself the first user of my official account and joined into 007.  That way I have to start and write every 7 days.

Secondly, always thinking and always be confident to write out your thoughts. There was a time I kept giving comments under the column of  , that was also the time my BFF started to pay attention to the articles and comments. She joked that my words were like darts that go straight and fast, make people feel that the writer's too sharp to be friends with.

I totally got her opinion, but then I considered, this is the perfect way to show  my thoughts and I'm going to keep this style even if I don't want to be assumed as a strict girl.

Result was, that dart writing gained me hundreds of users and countless friends on the wechat. See? People remember acurrate opinions and strong words. This can be proved base on so many articles I've seen during these months in 007. Interests aroused everytime I saw articles contained sharp-cut opinions. And the articles which were trying to be ALL were usually forgotten.

If you dare not to be criticized, you can not be praised.

The second topic I want to share is how to choose writing themes.

I have to be honest that I've never thought about this before. I'm never short of ideas of writing. I love to obverse tiny things and always come out with ideas from things happened in my life. With a little bit programming, a cool article with great thought but to be written in a small way is created.

And if you really don't have any feeling and experience, give comments to books or movies. That' s the easiest and best way to choose topics. You can never do wrong that way.

So, that's all for my sharing today. Thanks again for inviting me and for listening to my speech. I hope I did enlighten you for a little bit on writing. I'm not a professional, but it never stop me from expressing myself through words. I hope you all can find out your passions about writing.

If not yet, keep writing, don't settle!

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