第41期 Science Notes 28/03/2019
Universe is all the space and time including planets, stars, galaxies and all other form of matter and energy.
-Observable Universe: 93 Billion Lightyears.
-Age of Observable Universe: 13.7~13.8 Billion years old.
-Number of Galaxies: 100 Billion+.
Galaxy is the collection of gas, dust and millions of planet, stars and different kinds of other Astral body. (White dwarf, Neutron star etc)
Astronomical bodies that orbit around the star. Some of them has their own companion.
A collection of Gas(H, He) and dust.
Thousands of stars packed into a small region.
A cloud of hydrogen which is about to form a star.
A star is a body that produce light and heat via Nuclear Fusion.
A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting extremely strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.
Neutron Star(中子星)
The smallest, densest star which doesn’t generate heat. Neutron Star is produced by a massive star.
White Dwarf(白矮星)
The white dwarf is very hot and high density. White Dwarf produced by a medium to small size star.
A rapid expansion at briefly 13.7 Billion years ago. (Big Expansion, not Explosion)
0th epoch:BigBang happened
1st epoch: Plank Epoch (Inflation) 大膨胀
2nd epoch: Quark Epoch 夸克时代
Natural Laws (10-9s): 自然基本力形成
-Strong Nuclear Force(强核力)
-Weak Nuclear Force(弱核力)
-Electromagnetic Force(电磁力)
3rd epoch: Leption Epoch 轻子时代
4th epoch: Photon Epoch
5th epoch: Nucleosynthesis Epoch 原子时代(极不稳定)
6th epoch: Reionization Epoch 透明/再电离时代 (稳定)
7th epoch: Star Formation 现在的宇宙
Evidence for the Bigbang:
Red shift(宇宙红移)
The frequency of visible light is reduced and the wavelength is increased, which means that every corner of the universe is far away from us.
Cosmic Microwave Background(宇宙微波背景辐射) 2.725K
The heat radiation left from the ‘BigBang’. This is the oldest light in the universe.
Deuterium(H2.014) + Tritium(H3.016) = Helium(He4.003)+Neutron(1)+Energy
氘聚变临界点(100 Atoms/cm3)
↓↓↓↓Normal Stars↓↓↓↓
When the Hydrogen runs out, the gravity brings matter from the outer areas of the star towards the core, and those begin to fuse instead. The outer areas expand and cool as their fuel is taken away.
(Red Giant)
When the helium runs out, the outer layers of the red giant escape from the gravitational pull and become a cloud of gas surrounding the star.
(Plantetary Nebula)
The matter what’s left behind is dense and dimmer than Red Giants. They slowly lose heat over billions of years, and will become cold, dark sphere of matter.
(White Dwarf)
↓↓↓↓Super Massive Stars↓↓↓↓
For Star that is 10 times bigger than the Sun, they will spend their life as Blue Supergiants. They will have a much shorter life rather than the Red Giants. They only exist as blue supergiants for millions of years, rather than billions.
When the Hydrogen runs out, they will become Red Supergiants.
When the most of the star is Iron(Fe55.845), the Nuclear Fusion stops. The energy of the core stopped gravity from fully bringing all of the matter together so without it, the elements of the outer layers will rapidly collapse to the centre.The material hits the solid core, and rebounds in a truly gigantic explosion.
If the material left after a supernova is similar to the mass of our Sun, the force of gravity will break down the atoms within the star. Electrons and protons become neutrons, and the size of the star shrinks to an extraordinarily small size. It is the the smallest, densest star.
(Neutron Star)
If the star left after a supernova is more than three times the mass of the Sun, gravity will cause the star to shrink down to a density even greater than that of a neutron star. Instead, a black hole is formed.Black holes have a gravitational field so strong that not even light can escape them.
10~30 × Solar Mass would leads to a Neutron star.
These dense remnants contain twice the mass of the Sun in a sphere with a radius of just 10km.
30+ Solar Mass would leads to a Blackhole.