Delivered: the USMCA trade deal
Today the North American Free Trade Agreement will get an update. After several torturous years of the Trump administration’s threats to withdraw, in America it will be rebranded as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (the Canadian and Mexican names each put their own country first). For some, the update is in fact a downgrade. Car companies are having to reorganise their supply chains to meet its new conditions for tariff-free access into the American market, a task that would have been tricky enough without a pandemic. And hopes that the deal will soothe North American trade relations may prove naive. In a congressional hearing on June 17th Robert Lighthizer, the United States Trade Representative, promised lawmakers tough enforcement of the agreement’s new labour rules. Often trade deals are a sign that countries want to strengthen their economic and diplomatic ties. This one will be used to test them too.
北美自由贸易协定于今日“版本更新”。在特朗普政府威胁退出,折腾了若干年之后,北美自贸协定被取代,以“美国-墨西哥-加拿大协定”之名重新登场(这是协定的美国名称,其加拿大和墨西哥名称中,各自国家也居首位)。此番更新在某些方面是明升暗降。按照新条款,为在美国市场享受“零关税”,汽车企业不得不重新调整供应链。即便没有疫情的影响,这也相当棘手。并且,寄希望于协定能缓解北美贸易关系,也是想太多了。在6月17日召开的国会听证会上,美国贸易代表Robert Lighthizer向立法者许诺,将严格执行该协定的新劳工规定。贸易协定通常是各国希望加强经济和外交关系的信号,那这次我们也将拭目以待。