Semiconductor Industry News Brie
市场趋势Marketing Trends
1. ★ 三星公布2018年Q4财报,净利大减逾3成20190201
韩国三星电子公司(SamsungElectronics Co.)昨天公布财报,2018年第四季净利大减31%,原因是主要产品存储器芯片需求下滑。
2. 2018年全球硅晶圆出货再创新高20190202
Equipment Companies Facing Significant Headwinds in 201920190213
In January 2019, the memorymarket has been hit with a significant amount of negative news.
On Jan. 15, DRAM manufacturerNanya Technology reported its Q4 2018 revenue was $551 million, down 30.4% QoQ.
On Jan. 24, 2019, SK Hynixreported Q4 2018 earnings. Revenues fell 13.7% QoQ to $8.7 billion, whileoperating profit amounted to $3.9 billion, down 32.4%. SK’s DRAM and NAND bitshipments dropped 2.5% and rose 10% QoQ, respectively, while its DRAM and NANDASPs fell 11.1% and 21.2% QoQ, respectively.
Also on Jan. 24, Western Digitalreported revenue of $4.2 billion for its second fiscal quarter ended Dec. 28,2018, down 20.7% QoQ. Operating income was $176 million with a net loss of $487million.
On Jan. 31, 2019, SamsungElectronics reported Q4 2018 DRAM and NAND revenues of $18.8 billion and $6.6billion in operating profit, down 27.7% and 43.0% QoQ, respectively. Samsung’sDRAM and NAND bit shipments were down 18.3% and 9.7% QoQ, respectively, whileASPs were down 9.7% and 21.5% QoQ, respectively.
The memory market is an importantgauge on the health of the current semiconductor market because equipment spentby NAND and DRAM chip manufacturers was largely responsible for the 37.2%increase in the equipment market in 2017. In 2016, the equipment market grewjust 12.9% and an estimated 9.7% in 2018.
4. 美光CEO预计下半年情况改善 20190213
5. 力成预估今年资本支出恐减半20190215
技术热点New Technology
1. ★Corsair Launches $3,000 192GB RAM Kit Clocked at 4GHz 20180213
Intel’s Xeon W-3175X is an incredibleCPU — not least because the price for the chip ($3,000) actually isn’t that badcompared with Intel’s historical prices for top-end Xeon parts. Corsair appearsto have an idea what you can do with all that, ahem, cost savings. Why not pourit into some memory?
Listings for new DDR4 kitsclocked at 4GHz have popped up on the company’s site. These new kits arespecifically intended for the W-3175X and they pack a considerable amount ofRAM into 12 sticks (both of the motherboards that support the W-3175X have 12DIMM slots). The 96GB kit is $1,499 (12x8GB) while the 192GB kit is $4,000(12x16GB). Lower prices are also available for lower clocks — the 192GB RAMcapacity is available for just $1,585 if you’re willing to accept DDR4-2666.
2. Advantech Unveils 32 GB SQRAM DDR4 DIMMs for HPC 20190213
Advantech, a maker ofserver-grade memory, storage, and other components and solutions, isintroducing a new lineup of 32 GB unbuffered DDR4 memory modules. Designed forhigh-performance computing (HPC) applications, the SQRAM-brand DIMMs use thelatest DDR4 DRAM devices from Samsung, and feature additional reinforcements tomake them suitable for industrial applications.
Advantech’s SQRAM 32 GB DDR4modules are based on Samsung’s 16 Gb DDR4-2666 memory chips. Given theirpositioning, they enable system makers to easily install 64 GB of memory intomachines with two memory slots or 128 GB of memory into machines with fourmemory slots, twice what's possible with today's common 16 GB DIMMs.Advantech's modules come in ECC Unbuffered DIMMs, Unbuffered SO-DIMM, ECCSO-DIMM, and Rugged DIMM form-factors.

行业动态Industry News
1. 年度盘点:紫光展锐8大创新技术20190201
2. 力晶在合肥布局顺利 产能大增20190202
3. ★★A Detailed History of Samsung Semiconductor 20190211
From our book "MobileUnleashed", this is a detailed history of Samsung semiconductor:
Conglomerates are the antithesisof focus, and Samsung is the quintessential chaebol. From humble beginnings in1938 as a food exporter, Samsung endured the turmoil and aftermath of two majorwars while diversifying and expanding. Its early businesses included sugarrefining, construction, textiles, insurance, retail, and other lines mostlyunder the Cheil and Samsung names.
Today, Samsung is a global leaderin semiconductors, solid-state drives, mobile devices, computers, TVs, Blu-rayplayers, audio components, major home appliances, and more. Hardly an overnightsuccess in technology, Samsung went years before discovering the virtues ofquality, design, and innovation. The road from follower to leader was long androcky. Considering
4. 美光中科扩产 将加码百亿投资20190212
5. 中芯国际先进制程重大进展:14nm量产在即、12nm取得突破!20190215