​ 每日一次 101 l Pioneer

2019-02-11  本文已影响10人  JackChen_

​ 每日一次 101 l Pioneer
1- It is Alipay which pioneered and popularized mobile payment.

2- Herb Kellether, a pioneer of cheap air travel, died on January 3rd, aged 87,

3- American aviation in the 1970s was dominated by the hub-and-spoke approach, pioneered by Delta Air Lines in the belief that the most efficient way to fill planes was to fly through hub cities and hoover up passengers.

4- The manufacturing technology of Pourover coffee was pioneered by a Japanese coffee maker.
答案: The pourover coffee technique was pioneered by a Japanese barista.

5- Mobile phone market was dominated by Nokia brand 20 years ago, pioneered by Apple in 2004 in the belief that the revolutionary smart phone should consist of internet breakthrough and MP3 function.


