2019-09-30 [016-020]

2019-09-30  本文已影响0人  IvyFan2017

[016] rehash

  1. hash out (something) or hash (something) out
    or hash over (something) or hash (something) over : to talk about (something)谈起;聊起
    Hash: 一种加密算法
  2. to talk about or discuss (something) again再次谈论;再次讨论
  3. They've spent quite a bit of time hashing over/out the problem of Hash.他们花了相当多的时间讨论那个哈希问题。

[017] defensive

  1. fend 拳头(向外出击)引申为初级保护好自己,to do things without help, to do basic activities by yourself自力更生;照料自己 - They had to fend for themselves while their mother was away.妈妈不在时,他们只得自己照顾自己。
    defensive,de - 解除,放下,离开,即为不出拳,表示保护,防御
  2. always used before a noun : defending or protecting someone or something from attack : helping to keep a person or thing safe防御的;保护的;保卫的
  3. This is the defensive boxing class.

[018] specious

  1. speci = look / kind
    special a 特别的,专门的( speci种类+al=[属于]种类的=特别的)
    species n 种类,物种
    specific a 具体的(speci+fic带来=带来外观的=具体的)
  2. : falsely appearing to be fair, just, or right : appearing to be true but actually false似是而非的;貌似正确的
    = false, artificial, forged, fabricate
  3. The special pattern of the eye on butterfly Wings is specious. 特别的“类眼”花纹是假的

[019] ingenuous


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