

2016-05-27  本文已影响137人  读饭

工业革命,多fashion的词,现阶段被炒得如火如天,在生活中也、有很多的例子。比如火红了漫天的手机,小米、华为、魅族duang duang duang一大堆,价格便宜两量又足。作为一个顽固的手机毁坏者(2016年前4个月损坏了3部),揣个小米还是挺省心的,坏了、丢了不心疼。首页图是瓦特,大家想必都熟悉,不知大家发现了没有,左面描述不太准确(虽然历史课本也是这样写的)。实际上,瓦特同学是改良了蒸汽机,不是发明,这其实和创新是一个路子,你不是,也成不了孙悟空,,,跑题了。











杰里米•里夫金 Jeremy Rifkin

杰里米•里夫金 Jeremy Rifkin:美国华盛顿特区经济趋势基金会总裁,享有国际声誉的社会批评家和畅销书作家,著有《第三次工业革命》[1-3] 、《工作的终结》、《生物技术的世纪》、《路径时代》,每本书都被翻译成十五种以上的语言。里夫金还是华盛顿特区经济趋势基金会的主席,曾经担任过前欧盟委员会主席罗曼·普罗迪的顾问。


  1. 第一次工业革命-wikipedia
    The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power, and the development of machine tools. It also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal.
  1. 第二次工业革命-wikipedia define1(第一次工业革命与第二次工业革命的条目对第二次工业革命定义不同)
    Steel is often cited as the first of several new areas for industrial mass-production, which are said to characterise a "Second Industrial Revolution", beginning around 1850, although a method for mass manufacture of steel was not invented until the 1860s, when Sir Henry Bessemer invented a new furnace which could convert molten pig iron into steel in large quantities. However, it only became widely available in the 1870s after the process was modified to produce more uniform quality.[126][127] Bessemer steel was being displaced by the open hearth furnace near the end of the 19th century.
    This second Industrial Revolution gradually grew to include chemicals, mainly the chemical industries, petroleum (refining and distribution), and, in the 20th century, the automotive industries, and was marked by a transition of technological leadership from Britain to the United States and Germany.
  2. 第二次工业革命-wikipedia define2(第一次工业革命与第二次工业革命的条目对第二次工业革命定义不同)
    The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution,[1] was a phase of the larger Industrial Revolution corresponding to the latter half of the 19th century until World War I. It is considered to have begun around the time of the introduction of Bessemer steel in the 1860s and culminated in early factory electrification, mass production and the production line.
    The Second Industrial Revolution was characterized by the build out of railroads, large scale iron and steel production, widespread use of machinery in manufacturing, greatly increased use of steam power, use of oil, beginning of electricity and by electrical communications.
  3. 第三次工业革命(百度)
  4. 第三次科技革命(搜狗百科)
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