Industry  Definition

2018-10-24  本文已影响0人  南北1

Better and Better                                                                                              Day 61

      Today we will learn industry definition. Investors like to use the word “track” to describe an industry. The tack theory is very vivid. Wide track refers to the size of the market, long track refers to the stage of the industry, flat or rugged track refers to the competitive pattern of the industry. We use a core problem to definite an industry, “what kind of products this industry provides and what problems have been solved”. Answering it is to answer where the market is and whether there is pain points in the market. For example, when we analyze an Internet subdivision industry, we will ask such a question: “Is this product solving a pain point in the market ?” In a sense, the answer is the industry definition.               


                                                                                                            Oct.24th ,2018                                                                                                                  Bazhou.



