
pandas 1

2017-12-29  本文已影响0人  钊钖


Transforming a Column

We can use the arithmetic operators to transform a numerical column.

div_1000 = food_info["Iron_(mg)"] / 1000
add_100 = food_info["Iron_(mg)"] + 100
sub_100 = food_info["Iron_(mg)"] - 100
mult_2 = food_info["Iron_(mg)"]*2
sodium_grams = food_info["Sodium_(mg)"] / 1000
sugar_milligrams = food_info["Sugar_Tot_(g)"] * 1000

Performing Math with Multiple Columns

we can transform columns by other columns. When we use an arithmetic operator between two columns (Series objects), pandas will perform that computation in a pair-wise fashion, and return a new Series object.

water_energy = food_info["Water_(g)"] * food_info["Energ_Kcal"]

grams_of_protein_per_gram_of_water = food_info["Protein_(g)"] / food_info["Water_(g)"]

milligrams_of_calcium_and_iron = food_info["Calcium_(mg)"] + food_info["Iron_(mg)"]

Normalizing Columns in a Data Set

While there are many ways to normalize data, one of the simplest ways is called rescaling.

To calculate a column's minimum value, we use the Series.min() method. We can use the equivalent Series.max() method to compute the maximum value.

x' = \frac{x - min(x)} {max(x) - min(x)}

x represents a column and x′ is the new rescaled column.


max_protein = food_info["Protein_(g)"].max()

normalized_protein = (food_info["Protein_(g)"] - food_info["Protein_(g)"].min()) / (food_info["Protein_(g)"].max() - food_info["Protein_(g)"].min())

normalized_fat = (food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"] - food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"].min()) / (food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"].max() - food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"].min())

Creating a New Column

So far, we've assigned the Series object that results from a column transform to a variable. However, we can add it to the DataFrame as a new column instead.

We add bracket notation to specify the name we want for that column, then use the assignment operator (=) to specify the Series object containing the values we want to assign to that column:

iron_grams = food_info["Iron_(mg)"] / 1000  
food_info["Iron_(g)"] = iron_grams

The DataFrame food_info now includes the "Iron_(g)" column, which contains the values from iron_grams.


normalized_protein = (food_info["Protein_(g)"] - food_info["Protein_(g)"].min()) /(food_info["Protein_(g)"].min()- food_info["Protein_(g)"].max())

normalized_fat = (food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"] - food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"].min()) / (food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"].max() - food_info["Lipid_Tot_(g)"].min())

food_info["Normalized_Protein"] = normalized_protein
food_info["Normalized_Fat"] = normalized_fat

Sorting a DataFrame by a Column

DataFrame objects have a sort_values() method that we can use to sort the entire DataFrame.

To sort the DataFrame on the Sodium_(mg) column, pass in the column name to the DataFrame.sort_values() method, and assign the resulting DataFrame to a new variable:


By default, pandas will sort the data by the column we specify in ascending order and return a new DataFrame, rather than modifying food_info itself.

# Sorts the DataFrame in-place, rather than returning a new DataFrame.
food_info.sort_values("Sodium_(mg)", inplace=True)

# Sorts by descending order, rather than ascending.
food_info.sort_values("Sodium_(mg)", inplace=True, ascending=False)


food_info["Norm_Nutr_Index"] = 2*food_info["Normalized_Protein"] + (-0.75*food_info["Normalized_Fat"])
food_info.sort_values("Norm_Nutr_Index", inplace=True, ascending=False)

In this mission, we learned how to transform columns, normalize columns, and use the arithmetic operators to create new columns.

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