可以使用Economic Function Selection(经济函数选择)从多个经济函数中选择一个。然后所选的经济函数系数将显示。修改系数后,单击Apply按钮。然后输入的数据将发送到控制器。
从R3.06起,Static Speed Factor(静态速度因子)被替换为Tracking Filter Time Constant(跟踪滤波时间常数)。当位号名被分配为Static Speed Factor时,请使用PCTP 2008将其更改为Tracking Filter Time Constant。在其他情况下,它会自动转换。
|条目| 描述| 操作员模式| 工程师模式|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|No. |序号 (1-500) ;| -| R|
|Gain Name(增益名)| 唯一的位号名;| -| R|
|Comment (注释) |Gain的注释; |||
|Gain Value(增益值)| 该值可显示并修改。| -| R/W|
|High Limit(高限)| 应根据此值检查新输入的增益。| - |R/W|
|Low Limit(低限)| 应根据此值检查新输入的增益。| -| R/W|
|Apply Button(应用按钮) |输入上述条目的参数后,新输入的数据以蓝色显示。点击Apply按钮。新输入的数据被保存并发送给控制器执行。颜色变为黑色。 一旦点击Apply按钮并确认,控制器在线整定将自动开始。 |- |R/W|
|UNDO button(撤销按钮)| 单击Apply按钮之前取消新输入的参数。然后上一个参数将显示为黑色。 |- |R/W|
各个计算的修改是使用PCTP buider离线完成的。
|条目| 描述| 操作员模式 |工程师模式|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Actual Status (实际状态)| 计算块的实际状态。| R |R|
|Name (名称)| 显示了每个计算名。| R| R|
|Comment(描述)| 每个计算的注释。| R| R|
|Value(值) |计算结果。 当状态为INACTIVE时,该值显示为 “::::::”。 当输入值为BAD, 将使用构建器中指定的BAD颜色显示该值。| R| R|
|Formula (公式)| 显示了计算公式(最多128个字符)。| R| R|
Coefficients Setting
One of multiple Economic functions is selectable using “Economic Function Selection”. Coefficients of the selected economic function are displayed. After modifying the coefficients, click the Apply button. Then the entered data are sent to the controller.
When “NONE” economic function is selected, no economic optimization will be performed.
From R3.06, Static Speed Factor is replaced to Tracking Filter Time Constant. When the tag name is assigned to Static Speed Factor, please change it to Tracking Filter Time Constant using PCTP 2008. In other case, it is automatically conversed.
B13. Gain View
Model gain is displayed on the gain panel and it is possible to change the gain without stopping the controller. Displayed gains should be selected at the design phase using PCTP tool.
Gain view is displayed only in the Engineering mode.
Description of items
Various items/parameters need to be entered by operator and engineers are described below.
| Item | Description | Operator mode | Engineer mode|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| No. | Serial number (1-500) | - | R|
| Gain Name| Unique Tag name| - | R|
| Comment | Comment for Gain |
| Gain Value | The value is displayed and can be modified| - | R/W|
| High Limit | A newly entered gain shall be checked against this value | - | R/W|
| Low Limit | A newly entered gain shall be checked against this value| -| R/W|
| Button|
| Apply Button | After entering parameters of items described above, the newly entered data are displayed in Blue. Click Apply button. The newly entered parameters are saved and be send to Controller for execution. The color then changes Black. Once Apply button is clicked and after confirmation, the online tuning of the controller will start automatically. | - | R/W|
| UNDO button | Cancel a newly entered parameter before the “APPLY” button is clicked. Then previous parameter is displayed in black. | - | R/W|
B14. Calculation View
The calculation expression is displayed on the panel.
The modification of each calculation is done offline using PCTP builder.
The Calculation view is displayed only in the Engineering mode.
Description of items
Information of each calculation expression is displayed.
When the expression is more than 10, the scroll bar is also displayed on the right side.
|Item| Description| Operator mode |Engineer mode|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Actual Status| Actual status of the calculation block. |R |R|
|Name | Display each calculation name.| R| R|
|Comment| Comment for each calculation |R |R|
|Value| Calculation result. When Actual status id INACTIVE, the value is displayed as “::::::”. When the input value is BAD, the value is displayed with BAD color specified at the builder.| R |R|
|Formula |Calculation equation is displayed (up to 128 characters) |R |R|