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Spring Boot 2.0.0参考手册_中英文对照_Part

2016-10-31  本文已影响528人  SnailTyan

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Part III. Using Spring Boot

This section goes into more detail about how you should use Spring Boot. It covers topics such as build systems, auto-configuration and how to run your applications. We also cover some Spring Boot best practices. Although there is nothing particularly special about Spring Boot (it is just another library that you can consume), there are a few recommendations that, when followed, will make your development process just a little easier.

这一节将会讲述关于应该如何使用Spring Boot的更多细节。它包括许多主题例如构建系统,自动配置和怎么运行自己的应用。我们也讲述一些Spring Boot的最佳实践。虽然没有关于Spring Boot非常特别的东西(它只是另一个你可以使用的库),但接下来的一些建议可以让你的开发过程更容易一点。

If you’re just starting out with Spring Boot, you should probably read the Getting Started guide before diving into this section.

如果你刚开始学习Spring Boot,在学习这节之前你可能应该先阅读一下『Getting Started』部分。

13. Build systems

It is strongly recommended that you choose a build system that supports dependency management, and one that can consume artifacts published to the “Maven Central” repository. We would recommend that you choose Maven or Gradle. It is possible to get Spring Boot to work with other build systems (Ant for example), but they will not be particularly well supported.

强烈建议你选择一个支持依赖管理的构建系统,构建系统可以使用发布在『Maven Central』仓库中的工件。我们建议你选择Maven或Gradle。Spring Boot可能也可以与其它的构建系统进行协作(例如Ant),但不能特别好的支持其它的构建系统。

13.1 Dependency management

Each release of Spring Boot provides a curated list of dependencies it supports. In practice, you do not need to provide a version for any of these dependencies in your build configuration as Spring Boot is managing that for you. When you upgrade Spring Boot itself, these dependencies will be upgraded as well in a consistent way.

Spring Boot的每一次发布都会提供它支持的依赖列表。实际应用时,在你的构建配置中不需要提供这些依赖的版本,因为Spring Boot会帮你进行管理。当你升级Spring Boot时,这些依赖也会随之进行升级。

You can still specify a version and override Spring Boot’s recommendations if you feel that’s necessary.

如果有必要的话,你仍可以指定版本并覆盖Spring Boot的推荐。

The curated list contains all the spring modules that you can use with Spring Boot as well as a refined list of third party libraries. The list is available as a standard Bills of Materials (spring-boot-dependencies) and additional dedicated support for Maven and Gradle are available as well.

这个列表包含了所有你在Spring Boot中可以使用的Spring模块,也包含了第三方库的精制列表。这个列表可以当做一个标准可用的Bills of Materials (spring-boot-dependencies),也额外的专门支持Maven和Gradle可用。

Each release of Spring Boot is associated with a base version of the Spring Framework so we highly recommend you to not specify its version on your own.

Spring Boot的每一次发布都是与Spring框架的基本版本相关的,因此我们强烈建议你在自己使用时不要指定它的版本。

13.2 Maven

Maven users can inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent project to obtain sensible defaults. The parent project provides the following features:


On the last point: since the default config files accept Spring style placeholders (${…​}) the Maven filtering is changed to use @..@ placeholders (you can override that with a Maven property resource.delimiter).


13.2.1 Inheriting the starter parent

To configure your project to inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent simply set the parent:


<!-- Inherit defaults from Spring Boot -->

You should only need to specify the Spring Boot version number on this dependency. If you import additional starters, you can safely omit the version number.

你应该只需要在这个依赖中指定Spring Boot的版本号。如果你导入额外的starters,你可以安全的忽略这个版本号。

With that setup, you can also override individual dependencies by overriding a property in your own project. For instance, to upgrade to another Spring Data release train you’d add the following to your pom.xml.

有了这个设置,你也可以通过在你的工程中重写一个属性来覆盖单独的依赖。例如,为了升级另一个Spring Data的发布版本,你将需要在你的pom.xml中添加以下内容:


Check the spring-boot-dependencies pom for a list of supported properties.

检查spring-boot-dependencies pom支持的属性清单。

13.2.2 Using Spring Boot without the parent POM

Not everyone likes inheriting from the spring-boot-starter-parent POM. You may have your own corporate standard parent that you need to use, or you may just prefer to explicitly declare all your Maven configuration.

不是每个人都喜欢继承spring-boot-starter-parent POM的。你也可以有需要使用的公司的标准父POM,或者你可能更喜欢显式的声明你所有的Maven配置。

If you don’t want to use the spring-boot-starter-parent, you can still keep the benefit of the dependency management (but not the plugin management) by using a scope=import dependency:


            <!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot -->

That setup does not allow you to override individual dependencies using a property as explained above. To achieve the same result, you’d need to add an entry in the dependencyManagement of your project before the spring-boot-dependencies entry. For instance, to upgrade to another Spring Data release train you’d add the following to your pom.xml.

这个设置不允许你使用上面阐述的属性来重写单独的依赖。为了取得同样的效果,你需要在spring-boot-dependencies入口之前在工程的dependencyManagement中的添加一个入口。为了升级另一个Spring Data的发布版本,你将需要在你的pom.xml中添加以下内容:

        <!-- Override Spring Data release train provided by Spring Boot -->

In the example above, we specify a BOM but any dependency type can be overridden that way.


13.2.3 Changing the Java version

The spring-boot-starter-parent chooses fairly conservative Java compatibility. If you want to follow our recommendation and use a later Java version you can add a java.version property:



13.2.4 Using the Spring Boot Maven plugin

Spring Boot includes a Maven plugin that can package the project as an executable jar. Add the plugin to your <plugins> section if you want to use it:

Spring Boot包含了一个Maven插件,这个插件可以将工程打包为一个可执行的jar包。如果你向使用它的话,将它添加到你的<plugins>部分:


If you use the Spring Boot starter parent pom, you only need to add the plugin, there is no need for to configure it unless you want to change the settings defined in the parent.

如果你想使用Spring Boot的starter parent pom,你只需要添加这个插件,不需要配置它,除非你想更改父POM中的定义的设置。

13.3 Gradle

Gradle users can directly import starters in their dependencies section. Unlike Maven, there is no “super parent” to import to share some configuration.

Gradle用户可以直接在它们的dependencies部分导入starters。不像Maven,这儿不能导入“super parent”来共享一些配置。

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {

The spring-boot-gradle-plugin is also available and provides tasks to create executable jars and run projects from source. It also provides dependency management that, among other capabilities, allows you to omit the version number for any dependencies that are managed by Spring Boot:

spring-boot-gradle-plugin也可用,并提供了从源码创建可执行jars和运行项目的功能。它也提供了依赖管理,在其它的兼容性之间,允许你忽略任何Spring Boot管理的依赖的版本号:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

    dependencies {

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {

13.4 Ant

It is possible to build a Spring Boot project using Apache Ant+Ivy. The spring-boot-antlib “AntLib” module is also available to help Ant create executable jars.

使用Apache Ant+Ivy来创建一个Spring Boot项目是可能的。spring-boot-antlib “AntLib”模块也可以用来帮助Ant创建可执行jars。

To declare dependencies a typical ivy.xml file will look something like this:


<ivy-module version="2.0">
    <info organisation="org.springframework.boot" module="spring-boot-sample-ant" />
        <conf name="compile" description="everything needed to compile this module" />
        <conf name="runtime" extends="compile" description="everything needed to run this module" />
        <dependency org="org.springframework.boot" name="spring-boot-starter"
            rev="${spring-boot.version}" conf="compile" />

A typical build.xml will look like this:


    name="myapp" default="build">

    <property name="spring-boot.version" value="1.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT" />

    <target name="resolve" description="--> retrieve dependencies with ivy">
        <ivy:retrieve pattern="lib/[conf]/[artifact]-[type]-[revision].[ext]" />

    <target name="classpaths" depends="resolve">
        <path id="compile.classpath">
            <fileset dir="lib/compile" includes="*.jar" />

    <target name="init" depends="classpaths">
        <mkdir dir="build/classes" />

    <target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile">
        <javac srcdir="src/main/java" destdir="build/classes" classpathref="compile.classpath" />

    <target name="build" depends="compile">
        <spring-boot:exejar destfile="build/myapp.jar" classes="build/classes">
                <fileset dir="lib/runtime" />

See the Section 79.10, “Build an executable archive from Ant without using spring-boot-antlib” “How-to” if you don’t want to use the spring-boot-antlib module.

如果你不想使用spring-boot-antlib模块,请看79.10小节,“Build an executable archive from Ant without using spring-boot-antlib” “How-to”。

13.5 Starters

Starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. You get a one-stop-shop for all the Spring and related technology that you need, without having to hunt through sample code and copy paste loads of dependency descriptors. For example, if you want to get started using Spring and JPA for database access, just include the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency in your project, and you are good to go.


The starters contain a lot of the dependencies that you need to get a project up and running quickly and with a consistent, supported set of managed transitive dependencies.


What’s in a name

All official starters follow a similar naming pattern; spring-boot-starter-*, where * is a particular type of application. This naming structure is intended to help when you need to find a starter. The Maven integration in many IDEs allow you to search dependencies by name. For example, with the appropriate Eclipse or STS plugin installed, you can simply hit ctrl-space in the POM editor and type “spring-boot-starter” for a complete list.


As explained in the Creating your own starter section, third party starters should not start with spring-boot as it is reserved for official Spring Boot artifacts. A third-party starter for acme will be typically named acme-spring-boot-starter.

正如在创建你自己的启动器部分讲述的那样,第三方启动器不应该与spring-boot一起启动,因为它是预留给官方Spring Boot构建的。acme的第三方启动器通过命名为acme-spring-boot-starter

The following application starters are provided by Spring Boot under the org.springframework.boot group:

下面的应用启动器由Spring Boot提供,在org.springframework.boot组下:

Table 13.1. Spring Boot application starters

Name Description POM
spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf Starter for building MVC web applications using Thymeleaf views POM
spring-boot-starter-data-couchbase Starter for using Couchbase document-oriented database and Spring Data Couchbase POM
spring-boot-starter-artemis Starter for JMS messaging using Apache Artemis POM
spring-boot-starter-web-services Starter for using Spring Web Services POM
spring-boot-starter-mail Starter for using Java Mail and Spring Framework’s email sending support POM
spring-boot-starter-data-redis Starter for using Redis key-value data store with Spring Data Redis and the Jedis client POM
spring-boot-starter-web Starter for building web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Tomcat as the default embedded container POM
spring-boot-starter-data-gemfire Starter for using GemFire distributed data store and Spring Data GemFire POM
spring-boot-starter-activemq Starter for JMS messaging using Apache ActiveMQ POM
spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch Starter for using Elasticsearch search and analytics engine and Spring Data Elasticsearch POM
spring-boot-starter-integration Starter for using Spring Integration POM
spring-boot-starter-test Starter for testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito POM
spring-boot-starter-jdbc Starter for using JDBC with the Tomcat JDBC connection pool POM
spring-boot-starter-mobile Starter for building web applications using Spring Mobile POM
spring-boot-starter-validation Starter for using Java Bean Validation with Hibernate Validator POM
spring-boot-starter-hateoas Starter for building hypermedia-based RESTful web application with Spring MVC and Spring HATEOAS POM
spring-boot-starter-jersey Starter for building RESTful web applications using JAX-RS and Jersey. An alternative to spring-boot-starter-web POM
spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j Starter for using Neo4j graph database and Spring Data Neo4j POM
spring-boot-starter-websocket Starter for building WebSocket applications using Spring Framework’s WebSocket support POM
spring-boot-starter-aop Starter for aspect-oriented programming with Spring AOP and AspectJ POM
spring-boot-starter-amqp Starter for using Spring AMQP and Rabbit MQ POM
spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra Starter for using Cassandra distributed database and Spring Data Cassandra POM
spring-boot-starter-social-facebook Starter for using Spring Social Facebook POM
spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos Starter for JTA transactions using Atomikos POM
spring-boot-starter-security Starter for using Spring Security POM
spring-boot-starter-mustache Starter for building MVC web applications using Mustache views POM
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Starter for using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate POM
spring-boot-starter Core starter, including auto-configuration support, logging and YAML POM
spring-boot-starter-groovy-templates Starter for building MVC web applications using Groovy Templates views POM
spring-boot-starter-freemarker Starter for building MVC web applications using FreeMarker views POM
spring-boot-starter-batch Starter for using Spring Batch POM
spring-boot-starter-social-linkedin Stater for using Spring Social LinkedIn POM
spring-boot-starter-cache Starter for using Spring Framework’s caching support POM
spring-boot-starter-data-solr Starter for using the Apache Solr search platform with Spring Data Solr POM
spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb Starter for using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB POM
spring-boot-starter-jooq Starter for using jOOQ to access SQL databases. An alternative to spring-boot-starter-data-jpa or spring-boot-starter-jdbc POM
spring-boot-starter-jta-narayana Spring Boot Narayana JTA Starter POM
spring-boot-starter-cloud-connectors Starter for using Spring Cloud Connectors which simplifies connecting to services in cloud platforms like Cloud Foundry and Heroku POM
spring-boot-starter-jta-bitronix Starter for JTA transactions using Bitronix POM
spring-boot-starter-social-twitter Starter for using Spring Social Twitter POM
spring-boot-starter-data-rest Starter for exposing Spring Data repositories over REST using Spring Data REST POM

In addition to the application starters, the following starters can be used to add production ready features:


Table 13.2. Spring Boot production starters

Name Description Pom
spring-boot-starter-actuator Starter for using Spring Boot’s Actuator which provides production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application Pom

Finally, Spring Boot also includes some starters that can be used if you want to exclude or swap specific technical facets:

最后,如果你想排除或交换特定的技术方面,Spring Boot也包括一些可以使用的启动器:

Table 13.3. Spring Boot technical starters

Name Description Pom
spring-boot-starter-undertow Starter for using Undertow as the embedded servlet container. An alternative to spring-boot-starter-tomcat Pom
spring-boot-starter-jetty Starter for using Jetty as the embedded servlet container. An alternative to spring-boot-starter-tomcat Pom
spring-boot-starter-logging Starter for logging using Logback. Default logging starter Pom
spring-boot-starter-tomcat Starter for using Tomcat as the embedded servlet container. Default servlet container starter used by spring-boot-starter-web Pom
spring-boot-starter-log4j2 Starter for using Log4j2 for logging. An alternative to spring-boot-starter-logging Pom

For a list of additional community contributed starters, see the README file in the spring-boot-starters module on GitHub.

对于额外的社区共享的启动器,请看GitHub上the spring-boot-starters模块的README file

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