English--Business English Vocabu

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自 现象级英语 Eric笔记版Business English Vocabulary Builder

1 have a full plate/ have a lot on your plate: very busy 很忙 

2 be on a learning curve 还在学习阶段

3 a long shot 希望不大 possible 

4 be at stake, put sth on the line, at risk, under question 有风险

go out on a limb 冒风险

5 a backroom deal 幕后交易,密室交易,暗箱操作

behind the scenes, behind closed doors, under the table 

(1)不想公之于众 I don't want it to be public knowledge....

(2) 保密 I won't tell a soul. 

6 be back to square one, back to the drawing board 一夜回到解放前,从头再来

(1) 一切重来 I've had to go back to the drawing board with the entire thing.  

7 a bad egg, 反义 a good egg, straight shooter 

8 give sb a ballpark figure 大概的数字

9 get bang for one's buck, get bang for the buck 划算,钱花的值 get one's money's worth

(1)错过机会就没有了,卖的快着呢 Get it now while you have the chance, they're going fast. 

10 bark up the wrong tree 弄错了

专业的说法:not on the right track, under the wrong impression 

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置

11 beat sb to sth 捷足先登(过去式beat, 过去分词beat or beaten )


12 belt tightening, tighten one's belt 勒紧裤腰带,节衣缩食

hold purse strings, tighten one's purse strings

13 twist one's arm, arm-twisting 强迫要求,说服

14 bend over backwards to do sth 为……拼了老命, 竭尽全力

类似 go out of one's way to do sth

go the extra mile 加把劲,加倍努力

15 bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,迎难而上


take the bull by the horns 当机立断,勇敢面对: to meet a difficulty head-on

法语类似表达 prendre le taureau par les cornes

16 a bitter pill to swallow 不得不承受的苦事, a reality check, a wake-up call

17 blue-sky thinking 漫无边际的构想

拓展: armchair thinking

类似 a thought shower 相关 brainstorm

18  be bummed out (very informal): be upset or disappointed

拓展 down in the dumps 垂头丧气

19 be down and out 穷困潦倒

20 burn the midnight oil 开夜车

21 do sth by the book: follow the rules

22 call the shots 发号施令

23 can't quite put my finger on it: 确切指出不对劲的地方

拓展: I scratch my head/ It boggles my mind/ I don't have your number

24 a cash cow, a money spinner摇钱树

sth is a gold mine / goldmine.


25 catch sb off guard 趁人不备

catch red-handed 人赃并获,catch one with one's hand in the cookie jar, catch sb with one's pants down

26 cave in 迫于压力让步、屈服, give in

as expected 此处放在句首

27 come to think of sth 突然想到

28 come up short (to not to go far enough, be insufficient)设了目标但没完成, fall short

sth falls through: fail to happen 

29 cut corners 偷工减料

30 count on sth/sb, bank on sb /sth 指望,依赖

31 cut to the chase 开门见山, 直入正题 not mince your words 直言不讳

Can I offer you a drink, or something to snack on? 来杯喝的,还是来点吃的?

32 daylight robbery, highway robbery 漫天要价,敲竹杠

sth is a rip-off 

33 a diamond in the rough 未经雕琢的璞玉, rough around the edges, XX has rough edges

34 sth costs a dime a dozen 白菜价 It's a steal. 

35 drop the ball : make a mistake 

on the ball: alert, competent, or efficient

36 fast track a project, fast track the deal 

37 sb is  filthy rich(derog)一身铜臭味: very affluent, extremely wealthy  

sb is stinking rich(informal, insulting): well-to-do, well-off

38 foot the bill, fit the bill, pony up 买单

39 from rags to riches, from scratch, from zero to hero 

work one's way up, go from rags to riches, put together

build sth from the ground up: from the very beginning, completely

40 get ahead: be successful 

拓展 get on, go far, go places

41 start/ get off on the wrong foot with sb/ sth 一开头就出了问题

反义 get off on the right foot

42 get off scot-free 逍遥法外

43 get sth off the ground: 顺利起步

get the ball rolling: begin work on a task or project

拓展 keep the ball rolling 

44 get / be on the good side of sb: 讨某人欢心

反义 get / be on the wrong side of sb 

45 get wind of sth 听到风声

tight-lipped 守口如瓶 / My lips are sealed./ It's between you and me. /You have my word. I'll zip it. /Mum's the word. /I won't tell a soul.

The cat's out of the bag.  泄露秘密

46 get your foot in the door: to succeed in a first step toward accomplishing some longer and more difficult task 迈出第一步

拓展 get your feet wet, dip your toes into, cut your teeth

47 give-and-take 礼尚往来,公平交易

48 the/a glass ceiling 玻璃天花板效应,无形的障碍

49 go bust破产, go under

50 go for broke 破釜沉舟 


51 sb's hands are tied 束手无策

拓展 at one's wit’s end, at the end of one's rope 

52 have someone's work cut out: be faced with a hard task

53 The penny drops/ dropped. 恍然大悟

only to do sth 转折递进

Penny for your thoughts. 你在想啥呢?

54 have your cake and eat it 鱼与熊掌兼得

You can't have your cake and eat it too. 鱼与熊掌不可得兼

55 hit the nail on the head: get to the point quickly and clearly 说到点子上了 Spot on! 

56 hold your horses 且慢

57 sth is in full swing 白热化阶段

58 in hot water 处于水深火热中 in deep shit, in trouble

59  in the black 有盈余

反义 in the red 有赤字 in debt

60 keep/leave sb in the dark 把某人蒙在鼓里

It's not my place to do sth: It would be improper/ inappropriate for me to do

类似但有别于 I'm in no position to do sth: I'm unable to do, It's beyond me to do, I have no right to do

61 sb is in the driver's seat: in control of or dominating a situation

a backseat driver:  someone who lectures and criticizes the person actually in control of something. 爱指手画脚的人

62 It's not rocket science. :sth is easy to understand/ undertake 拓展 no-brainer 

反义词an uphill battle

be engaged in an uphill battle, face an uphill battle

63 jump/ climb on the bandwagon 跟风

64 kickback 回扣 take kickbacks 吃回扣

拓展: pocket 动词,中饱私囊。line one's pockets, cut

65  learn the ropes, know the ropes 懂行,掌握技巧

66 miss the boat: miss the bus, miss an opportunity

67 no strings attached 没有任何附加条件

68 one size fits all 一体适用 sth is suitable for all appropriate situations

one-size-fits-all 形容词


69 put sth on the back burner: 备胎

70 sb is on the same wavelength/ page as you 志趣相投,观点一致

71 pick sb's brains, run it by sb 


72 pink slip 动词, give sb the pink slip

I've been pink slipped. 被开除  You've been let go. 

73 play it by ear 见机行事, 随机应变

74 plug (a product) 恰饭 plug the show

75 pull one's weight 各司其职, 干好本职工作

对某人的工作表现不满意 be not impressed with sb's performance

76 pull the plug on sth: to stop an activity from continuing 取消

77 put your money where your mouth is 说话算话

78 scale sth back: 


79 scratch someone's back 帮某人的忙

If you scratch my back, then I'll scratch yours. 

80 sth is second nature to sb:  习性

81 sell like hotcakes/ mad/ crazy 畅销

82 sth is set in stone: to be very difficult or impossible to change

拓展 cut and dried

83 short on cash 缺钱, tight

live on the edge 活在刀刃上

sb is strapped for cash, be cash-strapped 捉襟见肘

feel the pinch 手头拮据

84 small fries: someone who is unimportant or insignificant

拓展 small potatoes, low man on the totem pole, rank and file 小人物

85 step up to the plate: to take action when something needs to be done, even though this is difficult

86 test the waters 试探,市场测试

87 the big picture 大局观

88 the bottom line: the most important element to sth

89 the elephant in the room 心照不宣却谁也不说

拓展 800-pound gorilla: one that is dominating or uncontrollable because of great size or power 

90 thick-skinned 


91 throw cold water on /over an idea/ plan 泼冷水

拓展: put a damper on sth, shoot down one's idea

emotional eating 情绪化进食

92 throw in the towel 承认失败,认输

go renewable, an asset to the company, a forward thinker 有前瞻性的思想

93 throw sb under the bus 出卖他人保全自己, hang sb out to dry

94 you have time on your hands 有空

95 sth has seen better days 状况不佳,风光不再

96 touch base with someone 好久不见,打个招呼

97 troubleshoot sth

98 two sides of the same coin 同一问题的两个方面

拓展 compare apples to apples

You say tomato, I say tomato.  你愿意这么说,我愿意那么说,但其实我们说的是一回事

99 two-faced 两幅面孔,两面派

100 up in the air 悬而未决 

拓展 up in arms over sth: angry or upset  极力发对

101 sb has the upper hand 占上风,占优势

102 walk a tightrope between two things

walk on eggshells: to act with great care and consideration so as not to upset someone.

103 warts and all 毫不遮丑,毫不捂短

104 water under the bridge 

let bygones be bygones 让过去的事过去

water under the bridge, 怀疑said 应为 sad

105 word of mouth 口碑

106 the writing is on the  wall 厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆

 (American English the ˌhandwriting (is) on the ˈwall) (saying) used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that somebody/something is going to have problems or is going to fail 

107 a yes man 唯命是从(贬义)

反义 a no man



1 drag one's feet / traîner les pieds 磨磨蹭蹭

2 on everyone's lips / sur toutes les lèvres 大家都在谈论

3 take the bull by the horns/ prendre le taureau par les cornes 勇敢面对困难

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