PubMed :Biomedical literature citations and abstracts生物医学文献引文和摘要
PubMed Central :Free, full text life sciences articles完整的文献
OMIM :Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man articles on human genes and phenotypes人类孟德尔遗传
Books: Online biomedical texts在线书籍
Taxonomy :Organisms represented in the NCBI sequence databases
Nucleotide GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, PDB, RefSeq, TPA, and patented nucleotide sequences
Protein Translations of GenBank, EMBL, and DDBJ records, as well as PDB, PIR, PRF, SWISSPROT
and patented protein sequences
PopSet Sets of sequences from population, phylogenetic and mutation studies
Trace Archives Raw sequence traces generated by large sequencing projects
Genome Complete Genome records integrated with sequence, genetic and physical maps
dbSNP Single nucleotide polymorphism as well as insertion, deletion and microsatellite
UniSTS Sequence Tagged Site marker and mapping data
Gene Summary pages of Gene-centered information
HomoloGene Computationally-determined homologs among eukaryotic organisms with complete
GEO Gene Expression Omnibus, a repository for gene expression and hybridization array data
UniGene Gene-based clusters of EST and mRNA sequences
CDD Conserved Domain Database for identified protein domains
CDART Modular domain architecture of proteins
MMDB/Structure Experimental 3D structure data from PDB
PubChem Information on small molecule chemical compounds and substances assayed for
biological activity
The Entrez database structure and search protocol integrates the scientific literature, taxonomy,
sequence, genome, expression and structure data into a tightly interlinked system.
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is a sequence similarity search program that can be used via
a web interface or as a stand-alone tool. BLAST compares combinations of nucleotide or protein queries
to sequences in nucleotide or protein databases and provides statistical information to help decipher the
biological significance of the alignment. (
Vector Alignment Search Tool (VAST) is a structure similarity search service. VAST compares the 3D
organization of secondary structures of protein structures to those in the MMDB/Structure database and
allows for viewing superpositions and alignments using Cn3D.
Sequin A stand-alone software tool developed by the NCBI for submitting and updating entries to the GenBank,
EMBL, or DDBJ sequence databases (
VecScreen Quick identification of nucleic acid sequence that may be due to vector contamination
MapViewer Integrated views of sequence, genetic and physical chromosome maps for eukaryotic organisms
ePCR Scanning of DNA sequence for sequence tagged sites in our UniSTS database
Model Maker View evidence for gene annotations on assembled genomic sequence, and create your own model
transcripts (
Spidey Alignments of one or more mRNA sequences to a single genomic sequence (
ORFinder Predictions of all possible ORFs in an RNA sequence (
Digital Differential
Comparisons of mRNA levels in different cell-lines, tissues and organs
SAGEmap Gene expression results from SAGE tags mapped to mRNA sequences in GenBank
A helper application for web browsers that allow for simultaneous viewing of 3D structures with sequence
alignments. Also has powerful annotation and alignment editing features.
The BLAST Suite
A sequence similarity search program that compares nucleotide or protein queries to sequences in
nucleotide or protein databases and provides statistical information to help decipher the biological
significance of the alignment. It can be used via a web interface or as a stand-alone tool.
The NCBI BLAST ftp site provides standalone blast, client server blast, and wwwblast packages for
different platforms. It also provides commonly used blast databases in preformatted as well as FASTA
format. (
Programming Tools & Information
Batch Entrez Upload a file of UIDs or accession numbers to retrieve records
E-Utilities Guidelines for Entrez “URL calls” used to access data at NCBI by scripts
NCBI Toolkit
The NCBI Software Development Toolkit was developed for the production and distribution of GenBank,
Entrez, BLAST, and related services by NCBI. Source code is provided as well as information on NCBI’s
data model, data encoding and programming libraries. (
Creating Weblinks
General Entrez Links
OMIM page Links
UniGene page Links
Structure page Links
Taxonomy page Links
NCBI Handbook
Individual chapters describing databases, major search algorithms and data processing
pipelines; each describes the database design or how the resource works and how the
different databases and resources relate to each other, along with a brief overview on
using the resource. (