今天开始教大家包饺子!第 4 篇 (中英双语)
6 Preheat your pan / 预热锅
Cook the dumplings in a large non-stick pan that has a lid. Oil the pan and preheat it over medium-high heat.
non-stick pan,不粘锅。Oil 本来是名词,不过可以做动词用,就是抹油的意思。
这步,后面的第 7 和 8 步都是在做煎饺。所以才放油,水饺不放油。
7 Arrange the dumplings in the pan / 把饺子放到锅上放好
They can touch each other while cooking. Once all of the dumplings are in the pan, add water to the pan until the bottom third of the dumplings are submerged in water.
我做煎饺的时候反正没放过水,大家愿意的话可以尝试一下。touch 可能大家都已经认识了,碰触的意思。两个饺子之间也可以叫做 touch。
8 Pan fry the dumplings / 煎饺子
Cover the dumpling pan and cook over medium high (or high) heat for about 20 minutes. Check to ensure that the dumplings still have water around them, and add water if the pan starts to go dry.
- Check the bottoms of the dumplings to ensure that they are not burning.
- Adjust the cooking temperature as necessary.
盖上盖子用中火煎 20 分钟。确保锅里始终有水,水少了需要添加。
- 看看饺子底部,别煎糊了
- 如果温度不合适的话可能需要调整
这段比较长,我分成了两个部分。go dry 这个用法我不是很确定。因为我前面一份工作的时候有一个美国人说不要说,准确来说应该是 start to dry,这里 go 是语法错误,而且用的人也不错。估计还是我常说的那个,每个人都有每个人的英语,并没有特别严格的一套语法体系吧。说得明白,没有歧义才最重要。
- When the dough on top of the dumplings appears to be cooked, remove the lid and allow the water to cook off.
- Allow the dumpling bottoms to sizzle for a few moments to add a crispy flair to your dumpling, but do not allow them to burn.
- If you think your dumplings are done, remove a larger dumpling and cut it open. Check the temperature of the filling with a meat thermometer to ensure that the meat has cooked thoroughly.
- 饺子上面的皮看起来差不多熟了的时候,可以打开盖子快点把水蒸干
- 多煎上一会底比较脆,不过别糊了
- 你觉得差不多的时候,可以弄一个稍微大一点的出来切开看看。用一个肉类温度计量一下馅的温度,肉一定要熟了才行。
然后我就去搜了下这个 meat thermometer,咱们一起开开眼。
Med (Medium):五分熟
9 Boil the dumpling / 煮水饺
Alternatively, you can drop the dumplings into a large pan of boiling water. This will slightly change the texture of your wrappers. You can try cooking either way and see which type of dumpling you prefer.
10 Serve dumplings warm / 趁热上桌
If you have allowed the bottoms of your dumplings to crisp, serve them with the crisped side facing up. Also serve with a dipping sauce or soy sauce.