《摩根财团》英汉对照阅读翻译笔记 (3)
As one of the three state commissioners assigned to renegotiate the debt, Peabody urged officials to tone down their rhetoric and placate British bankers. But American legislators found it easier to pander to the hatred of foreign bankers rather than to raise new taxes to service debt.
Commissioner n. A person authorized by a commission to perform certain duties 专员
UN High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民事务高级专员
Rhetoric n. Verbal communication to convince and impress people but may not be sincere or honest 花言巧语,夸夸其谈
Placate v. To make (sb) less angry; appease, soothe of pacify 安抚
Service debt - to make payment on the principle and interests on outstanding loans 偿付债务
Pander v. To cater to the lower tastes or desires of others 迎合