外刊精读周计划 5.16 Tue. Week 2 精读笔记
5.16 Tue. Week 2 精读笔记
Mind Map
reciprocating machine往复机
cyclotron n.回旋加速器
spunk n. [U]勇气,胆量
e.g.I admired her independence and her spunk.
ground crew 地勤人员At an airport, the people who take care of the planes when they are on the ground are called the ground crew.
scores of许多,大量
moondust n.月球尘埃
tingle n.刺痛感
up prep.在…之上/较高处
brutish a.野蛮的(=brutal)
brute a.残忍的;n.畜生
jet propulsion喷气推进
soar vi.高耸
buttresses n.
pl.扶壁Buttresses are supports, usually made of stone orbrick, that support a wall.
townspeople n.城市居民
legions of大批的
termite n.白蚁
mound n.土堆,土墩
medi craftsmen在这里medi是作为medieval缩写?
soaring vaults高耸的拱顶
social fad理解为集体性狂热?
excursion n.短途旅行
noncombatant n.平民,非战斗人员
infidel n.异教徒
erratic a.不规则的;不稳定的
catechism n.宗教信仰问答
toss a bomb扔一颗炸弹
machismo [mə'kɪzməʊ]
cloverleaf n.四叶式立体交叉道
megaton n.百万吨级
Charles Lindbergh又译林白,1902年2月4日-1974年8月26日)是一位著名美国飞行员、作家、发明家、探险家与社会活动家。他于1927年驾驶单引擎飞机圣路易斯精神号(Spirit of
St. Louis.),从纽约市罗斯福飞行场横跨大西洋飞至巴黎巴黎-勒布尔热机场,成为历史上首位成功完成单人不着陆飞行横跨大西洋的人,并因此获赠荣誉勋章。美国圣地亚哥林德伯格国际机场即以他的名字命名。
merchant guild 商会:A MerchantGuild was an association of of traders. The Merchant Guild was able to negotiate with the lord and the trade levy became regulated. The regulations agreed between the Merchant Guild and the lord resulted in a Merchant Guild charter. The Merchant Guild charter allowed the merchants to pay an annual payment, or fixed sum, to the lord who owned the land where the townwas based.
Chartres cathedral 沙特尔主教座堂:位于法国巴黎西南约70公里处的沙特尔市。据传圣母马利亚曾在此显灵,并保存了马利亚曾穿着的圣衣,沙特尔因此成为西欧重要的天主教圣母朝圣地之一。1979年10月26日世界遗产委员会第3届会议起列入世界文化遗产。
宗教信仰问答:e.g. Q. What is the chief end of man? A. Toglorify God and enjoy Him forever!