
2017-05-04  本文已影响126人  ylgwhyh



According to User:gmale's answer on ask.wireshark.org, he solved his problem in this way and I'm sure that it could solve yours as well. It says:

1-Open Terminal

To see your exactuser name(for me that wasAliGht)

2-Type 'whoami'

3-execute the following commands:

cd /dev

sudo chown AliGht:admin bp*

and enter yourcomputer password:

4-now type this command:

ls -la | grep bp

The last command will display a list of files such as:

5- Make sure all of them have youruser nameandadminas the user/group. For some reason, thelast one didn't get assigned properly so I had to run the command:

sudo chown AliGht:admin bpf4

so the last command fixed my problem as you see in the last image:


If your WireShark is open then close it and open it again.

All credits of this tutorial goes to usergmale on ask.wireshark.org,


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