Hive - Tutorial
hive 官方文档
hive Tutorial
1 Concepts
1.1 What is hive and set up & book
Using for ad-hoc querying instead of online transaction processing
Set up : the GettingStarted guide.
Book: Books about Hive lists some books that may also be helpful for getting started with Hive.
1.2 Data Units
1.3 Type System
Primitive type
Complex type
Time stamp
1.4 Built In Operators and Functions
Language Capabilities
2 Usage and Examples
Creating, Showing, Altering, and Dropping Tables
Creating Tables
Browsing Tables and Partitions
Dynamic partition insert could potentially be a resource hog in that it could generate a large number of partitions in a short time. To get yourself buckled, we define three parameters:
hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode (default value being 100) is the maximum dynamic partitions that can be created by each mapper or reducer. If one mapper or reducer created more than that the threshold, a fatal error will be raised from the mapper/reducer (through counter) and the whole job will be killed.
- hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions (default value being 1000) is the total number of dynamic partitions could be created by one DML. If each mapper/reducer did not exceed the limit but the total number of dynamic partitions does, then an exception is raised at the end of the job before the intermediate data are moved to the final destination.
- hive.exec.max.created.files (default value being 100000) is the maximum total number of files created by all mappers and reducers. This is implemented by updating a Hadoop counter by each mapper/reducer whenever a new file is created. If the total number is exceeding
- hive.exec.max.created.files, a fatal error will be thrown and the job will be killed.
Altering Tables
Dropping Tables and Partitions
hive syntax
hive 教学