
2018-12-23  本文已影响0人  汉语故事


The landscape picture of Southern Hunan


——Reading the novel collection of Axe: "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang".

原创:秦建国          中译英:斧子的二当家

展现在读者面前的作家是一位衡阳当代具有传奇色彩的人物,你可以叫他教育家,武术家等等,但我更愿意叫他作家,因为新时期衡阳文学的一些重大事件与他息息相关,比如新 时期衡阳的第一张文学报纸《苦楝》,就是他和一群热血文学青年创办的,《苦楝》在新时期衡阳文学史上具有标志性意义。这位传奇人物就是我的好友斧子。在他的身上充满着 才气、侠义、智慧和坚韧,在他的笔下体现的是对文学艺术不懈地探索和追求。从《苦楝》到《等你归来》,再到目前我手中这部沉甸甸的小说集《月下天鹅与祝塘的绝版爱情》 ,无不体现着这位文学之子的参孙斗士般的精神,他在文学的天地里自由的翱翔,他在艺术的原野里辛勤的耕耘。

The writer before you is a contemporary legend in Hengyang. You can call him educator, martial artist, etc. , but I prefer to call him writer because he is closely related to some important events in Hengyang literature in the new era. For example, "The Neem Tree" , the first literary newspaper in Hengyang in the new era, was founded by him and a group of enthusiastic literature youth. "The Neem Tree" is a landmark in the history of Hengyang literature in the new era. This legend is my good friend Axe. He is full of talent, chivalry, wisdom and tenacity, and his works reflect the relentless exploration and pursuit of literature and art. From "The Neem Tree" to "Waiting for you to come back" , and now this heavy collection of  "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang" in my hand, all embody the spirit of Samson Fighters in this literary son. He soars freely in the world of literature, and works hard in the field of art.

《月下天鹅与祝塘的绝版爱情》(以下简称月下天鹅)收进了斧子近年来创作的中短篇小说23篇,大多数在网络上流行已久,是网络文学炙手可热的好作品。在这些作品中,强 烈的地域色彩,鲜明的个性色彩,浓烈的当代生活色彩,加上明快激烈的语言节奏,跌宕起伏的叙事基调,描绘出一幅幅湘南都市五彩斑斓的都市画卷。

"The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang" (hereinafter referred to as Swan under the Moon) has collected 23 short stories written by Axe in recent years, most of which have been popular on the Internet for a long time. These are really hot good network literature works, the strong regional color, the bright individuality color, the strong contemporary life color, coupled with the lively intense language rhythm, the ups and downs of the narrative tone, paint a multicolored urban picture scroll of Southern Hunan.

《月下天鹅》中的许多作品具有十分强烈的地域色彩,甚至不乏纪实性的特色,或许有的作品本身就是半自传体的小说。小说中的故事所发生的地点作者直截了当地指的是“衡阳 ”,如《在娜美约等你》,故事的场景是在衡阳市蒸水河边的一个酒吧。《偶初恋差一点儿当了二奶》中的火锅店在莲湖路的西湖二村,后来又搬到了华新开发区的太阳广场。《 我泡过的那个大学女教师》一夜风流的地点是华天宾馆。等等。这些作品由于它强烈的地域性和可读性,自然而然让衡阳本土读者觉得亲切、真实、可信,如见其人,如闻其声,如入其境。

Many of the works in "Swan under the Moon" have strong regional color, and even have documentary characteristics, and perhaps some of the works themselves are semi-autobiographical novels. The location where the story took place is directly Hengyang, such as "Waiting for you in Namejo," the scene of the story is a bar on the banks of Zhengshui River in Hengyang. The hot pot shop in "My first love almost became a Er Nai" was located in the West Lake II Village of Lianhu road, and later moved to Sun Square in the Huaxin development zone. The one-night stand in "The college lady I had a fling with" is set in Huatian Hotel...Because of its strong regional color and readability, these works naturally make Hengyang readers feel warm, true and credible, such as seeing the person, hearing the voice and entering the environment.

作为文学作品,我们不必去对号入座,但是,我们很容易在作品中寻找到我们生活中的这座城市的影子,原来我们赖以生存的故乡有这么多没有挖掘出的离奇曲折的故事,有这么 多熟视无睹的生活之美,有这么多朴实无华的市民和乡贤。在我的印象中,如此近距离地写衡阳的文学作品非常之少,因而弥足珍贵。

As a literature worK, we don't have to go to the countersign, but we can easily find the shadow of the city in our life in the work. It turns out that there are so many strange and tortuous stories that have not been discovered in the hometown we rely on , there are so many beauty of life being neglected by us, so many simple and unadorned citizens and country people. In my impression, there are so few literature writing so closely about Hengyang,and therefore valuable.

中外文学史上,作家以自己生活的城市为题材的作品非常丰富,如英国作家狄更斯笔下的雾都伦敦,法国作家欧仁苏的秘密巴黎,到美国作家福克纳的约克纳帕塔法县,他的15 部长篇与绝大多数短篇的故事都发生在这座城市及乡村,作家也因此而获得了1949年度诺贝尔文学奖。

In the history of Chinese and foreign literature, there are many works about the city where the writer lives, such as the foggy London by British writer Charles Dickens, the secret Paris by French writer Eugenie Su, the Yoknapatawpha County by American writer William Faulkner,his 15 novels and most of his short stories took place in this city and countryside, earning him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1949.


The writing style of Axe, which develops local themes, inherits the fine tradition of realism literature, and also holds a taste for contemporary art that is both refined and popular. It's worth learning from by our local writers and more worthy of the respect and reading of our vast native readers.

文学来自于生活,也来自于作家的个性化体验。《月下天鹅》中的不少作品无疑具有鲜明的“斧子”式体验色彩,在作家的生花妙笔之下,可以看出作家的细微观察,读出作家的 准确描绘,体会作家的深刻思考,如中篇小说《衡阳保卫战》,我们以为作家要提供一个个全景式的宏大的战争场面,然而作家的写法颇有点周星驰《大话西游》式的后现代味道 ,在黑色幽默般的表述中,享受着都市人苦恼的笑。

Literature comes from life, but also from the personal experience of the writer. There is no doubt that many of the works in "Swan under the Moon" have vivid "Axe"-like experience colors. Under the writer's wonderful pen, you can see the writer's subtle observation, read the writer's accurate description, and experience the writer's profound thinking. For example, in the novella "Defense of Hengyang", we think that the writer should provide a panorama of grand war scenes. However, the writing style of the writer is rather post-modern, like that of Stephen Chow's "Chinese Odyssey", and in the black humorous expression, he enjoys the distressed smile of the urbanites.

现代社会科学技术的高度发达,推动人类社会高速发展,物质成就日益丰富。但是,都市人的精神缺失和人格异化也是显而易见的,在《月下天鹅》中就有许多作家精雕细刻的人 物为我们演绎一幕幕都市情景悲喜剧,《回龙的传说》中的何三哥、刘老板,《资本运作》中的贵叔,《摆平两个老婆》的大小老婆等等,都有着反传统意义上的现代都市人的卡 通面貌,令我们捧腹一笑之余,提供了一种形象性和哲理性相结合的更深层次的思索。

Modern Social Science and technology highly developed to promote the rapid development of human society, increasingly rich in material achievements. However, the spiritual loss and personality alienation of urbanites is also obvious. In "Swan under the Moon" , there are many well-crafted figures who perform scenes of urban tragicomedy for us. He Sange and Boss Liu in "Legend of the back dragon", Uncle Gui in "Capital operation", the big and small wives in "Settling two wives" and so on, all have the cartoon face of modern urbanites in the anti-traditional sense, which make us laugh and provide a deeper thinking that combines imagery and philosophy.

小说是语言的艺术,小说写得是否成功,很大意义上在于作家构筑的氛围是否成功,换句话说,作品是否有浓烈的作家需要体现的生活色彩。因此,穆齐尔说,“中篇小说就是: 带着小小的惊喜打开一个捆扎的干干净净的小包裹。”其实这个观点也适合短篇小说。

Novel is the art of language. The success of novel, in a great sense, depends largely on whether the atmosphere of the writer's construction is successful. In other words, whether the works reflect the strong color of life that writers want to express. So, Musil said, "the novella is to open a neat little bundle with a little surprise, " which is also true of the short story.

在《月下天鹅》中,斧子非常注重小说氛围的构筑,就像一个高明的魔术师在展开一个动人心魄的魔术节目时精心塑造的艺术氛围,如《南岳的烟霞茶院》把读者别有用心地带入 秀丽多姿的名山茶苑,《月下天鹅与祝塘的绝版爱情》在一种武侠奇幻式的氛围中演出一段委婉动人的爱情故事,假假真真,真假难辨,让人回味无穷,这是作家在现代都市之上 的一次奇妙的情感飞翔。

In "Swan under the Moon, " Axe pays great attention to the atmosphere of the novel, just as a skillful magician carefully shapes the artistic atmosphere of an exciting magic show. For example, "Misty Tea House on the Southern Mountain" brings readers with great care into the beautiful and colorful tea garden of famous mountains. "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang" constructs an atmosphere of martial arts fantasy, performing a gentle and moving love story, false or true, true or false,  difficult to distinguish, and makes people have endless memories, this is a wonderful flight of feeling for the writer on top of the modern city.


The intense and lively rhythm of the language and the ups and downs of the narrative tone are the unique artistic features of the novel creation of online literature that Axe masters.

当代社会是高速运转的摩天轮式的现实生活,用白驹过隙怎么形容都不为过,因此,大多数读者鲜有时间,长期泡在网络前或者书桌上去阅读一部部大部头的小说,大家更喜欢阅 读短小的文学作品。而斧子十分高明地把握了这一点,他的小说一般不长,故事展开节奏明快,叙事基调又曲折起伏,不落窠臼,如开篇的《在娜美约等你》章节之间短暂精简, 衔接紧密,结尾又往往出人意料,这就避免了一般网络文学肤浅、粗糙的毛病,有隽永回味的小说美学价值。

Modern society is the real life of high-speed ferris wheel, it can not be described more as fleeting, so most readers rarely have time to bubble in front of the Internet or the desk for a long time to read a big story, short literary works would be a better choice. Axe takes this advantage wisely, his stories are generally short, the rhythm of the story spreads out fast, and the narrative tone always takes a different approach, which is full of twists and turns. For example, the opening chapters of the book "Waiting for you in Namejo" are short and compact, and the ending is often unexpected, which avoids the superficial and rough problems of general network literature, remaining an aesthetic value of a novel with a lasting aftertaste.

斧子不拘一格地从网络文学的阵地中开拓出一片茂密的园地令人欢喜,他以如歌的行板歌唱充满阳光的生活,他以智者的胸怀关注弱者的声音,他更以一个雕塑家的勇气用衡阳的 泥土打造具有原汁原味的衡阳原生态的生活场景,正如石鼓书院是衡阳悠远的历史文化名片一样,斧子的衡阳都市小说无疑是当代衡阳的文化名片,她必将吸引许许多多的衡阳人 从书中寻找自己的身影或梦想,自己的声音或笑颜。我们也期待作家有更多讴歌家乡的作品问世。

Axe choose not to stick to one pattern and created a lush landscape from its online literary position, which deserves delight and joy. He sings about life full of sunshine with his cantabile andante,cares for the voice of the weak with the heart of wise men,also uses the courage of a sculptor and the clay of Hengyang to create original scenes of local life. Just as the Shi Gu Academy is a famous historical and cultural landmark in Hengyang, Axe's urban novels is undoubtedly the cultural calling card of contemporary Hengyang, and she will certainly attract many Hengyang people to look for her own figure or dream, her own voice or smile. We also expect writers to write more songs about their homeland.

作家简介:秦建国,中国作家协会会员。从1989年起,在《花城》等全国大型文学刊物上发表长、中、短篇小说、散文等200万多字。已经出版文学作品和新闻作品书籍多 部。文学作品和主创、执导的电视栏目及大型节会多次获省级和全国大奖。先后从事新闻和行政工作,现社会兼任衡阳市作家协会副主席,分管小说创作。

About the author: Qin Jianguo, member of the Chinese Writers Association. Since 1989, more than 2 million words of long, medium and short stories and essays have been published in major national literary journals such as Huacheng. A number of literary books and journalistic works have been published. Literary works, television programs and large-scale festivals where he served as main creator and director have won many provincial and national awards. He has worked in journalism and then in administration, and now is currently vice-chairman of the Hengyang Writers' Association, where he is in charge of novel writing.









