

2020-06-18  本文已影响0人  夏雨雪_7bbc


Don't cover your sight for trifles, you have a bigger world!

时间是公平的,心在哪,时间在哪,行动在哪,收获就在哪!” 很正的话,用心善待时间。

Time is fair, where the heart is, where the time is, where the action is, where the harvest is! " If it's right, treat time with your heart.


We have only one life, and the time that makes up our life is gone and can't be returned. There are always many things we need to do in life, but time is limited, so we need to grasp ourselves, put our precious time on more important and worthwhile things, and don't let too many trivial things drain our energy, so that we can see a bigger world and live a more wonderful self!


Day after day ,year after year, As time  goes  by,  life is decreasing day by day. So the price we  pay  every day is higher than  the day before, because our  life is  shortened  by  another day,  so we  have  to  be  more positive  every day.  Today is too precious to be eroded by bitter worries and bitter regrets.


Let's raise our chin and seize today, because it won't come back! Let's spend our time on more meaningful  and valuable  people and things,  such as reading  and  studying,  spending time with your family,traveling with loved ones, etc..


Today is too precious, do not regret and pain for the past, do not worry about the uncertain future, live every minute of the present, you can have a life without regrets!


