Make Every Minute Count.
Make Every Minute Count 其实是一本书的名字,一本关于时间管理提高效率的书,作者是一个美国人Marion E Haynes。
不给这本书做广告了,今天学习一下 minute 这个词儿。
Now let's get started.
After 10 minutes of walking you can't see a house or hear a car.
The pizza will then take about 20 minutes to cook.
Wait a minuteorJust a minute
Wait a minute, folks, something is wrong here.
at any minute某事随时都会发生
It looked as though it might rain at any minute.
the minute表示一件事紧跟着另一件事儿发生,一...就...
I love you, and I'll call you the minute I get to Paris.
Could you wait a moment, please?
Wait a second. This all sounds familiar, doesn't it?
除了表示时间以外,minute 还有“会议记录”的意思,也可以当动词,做记录。
He'd been reading the minutes of the last meeting.
You don't need to minute that.
当形容词时还有两个意思,注意读音,读作 /maɪˈnjuːt/ 。
Only a minute amount is needed.
强调有细节detailed,如 an exact and minute report。
虽然读音不一样,都是从“small”这个意思来的,实际上minute本来就来自拉丁文(Latin)Minutus(小),表示非常小。当会议记录的意思的时候也是 a brief written record 或者说 a short note。
Ok, that's all for today.
Wait a minute,
Scan theQR codeto follow me before you leave.