
2018-11-25  本文已影响24人  MTI考研






1. 分娩镇痛  pain relief during labor and delivery

提高自然分娩率(increase rates of natural childbirth)

降低剖腹产率(lower rates of cesarean delivery)

产科病房(maternity ward)

无痛自然分娩(pain-free natural labor)

分娩围观 crowd-birthing

妊娠纹 stretch mark

羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism

产后抑郁症 post-natal depression

代孕 surrogacy(重点记忆)

2. 种族歧视   racism

时装秀(fashion show)

宣传片(promotional video)

小棍子形状的餐具(the little stick-shaped cutlery)

歧视华人(discriminate against Chinese)

辱华言论(insulting comments on China)

线下门店(offline store)

电商平台(e-commerce platform)

下架所有D&G品牌产品(take all D&G products off the shelves)

登上热搜榜 hit the ranks of hot searching

聊天记录 chat record

火上浇油 add fuel to the fire/flames

陷入争议泥沼 be mired in controversy

不真诚的道歉 insincere apology

舆论压力 public pressure

3. 工资帽  salary cap

职业足球俱乐部(professional soccer club)

盲目投资(blind/haphazard investment)、"天价转会费(sky-high transfer fee)"

阴阳合同(dual contract)"

逃避税款(tax evasion)

中超(Chinese Super League)

中甲(China League)

中乙(China League Two)

足球强国 soccer powerhouse

职业足球运动员 professional soccer player

足球投资 soccer investment

国际足球联盟 Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA

4. 拼妈  mompetition

拼爹(competition of family background)

教育理念(education ideas)

综合软实力(comprehensive soft power)

减负(burden alleviation)

玻璃天花板 glass ceiling

全职妈妈 stay-at-home-mother

亲子关系 parent-child relationship

家庭教师 home tutor

输在起跑线 lose ground at the start

早教课程 early education courses

5. 黑色星期五  Black Friday

海淘(cross-border online shopping)

进口商品(imported goods)

购物狂 shopaholic

网络星期一 Cyber Monday

消费升级 consumption upgrade

购物清单 shopping list

实体零售商 brick-and-mortar retailer

只逛不买 window shopping


