穷人的观景台 - 讲故事
2018-05-01 本文已影响73人
我家附近有一个昔日富豪的庄园,德尔润庄园,现在是收费公园和博物馆。占地444英亩。进门的林荫道直通海边。我要讲的不是庄园本身。当时庄主买了那里整片的土地。在庄园建成后,为了不影响普通人继续欣赏海边美景,庄主专门在庄园围墙外建了一个绿荫通道和观景平台。现在这个观景台(people’s dock),仍然是附近居民、我这个外来客早晚经常光顾的地方。早晨百鸟迎朝阳,傍晚群鸟成行归。
The Deering Estate preserves the 1920s era Miami estate of Charles Deering, Chicago industrialist, early preservationist, environmentalist, art collector, philanthropist and first chairman of the International Harvester Company. Nestled along the coast in South Dade, the Deering Estate is a cultural asset and historic site listed on the National Register of Historic Places.