Bug MJPhotoBrowser modification

2016-01-15  本文已影响771人  Levan_li

Using the MJPhotoBrowser, the inside of some of the bug and the solution is as follows
SetProgress:] 1.-[MJPhotoLoadingView: sent to deallocated instance 0x17fe4210 message
Analysis: This is due to the implementation of the MJPhotoView hide removed the MJPhotoLoadingView, however, SDWebimage is still in the implementation of the download progress settings.
Solution: the most simple is to write a bool value, when the response to the hide that is in the- (VoidHide methodSet to YES, then in the

3 picture when the picture is too close to the bottom of the problem
Solution: add the following code in the MJPhotoView

The original address:http://prog3.com/sbdm/blog/woyangyi/article/details/47106403


