I basically has no motivation in
I know it has been a while since the last time I was here recording my daily life. And my parents are urgent in knowing my life in the US, they started asking me to write dairy. It was the shocking moment because dairy was out my mind completely without noticing it.
So, you can guess, my excuse must be, 'I am too busy' or 'I don't know what to write'. Yes, here are they. These two things are what I am facing.
But..., suddenly, a sharp idea came through my mind: if they are real problems, why not solve it right away?
It's time to make me 'less busy': I was obsessing into Data Science(the sexist job in the future!) in last month, and this was what happening. I wake up, searching for Data Science Intro on Youtube, and being late for lectures(which is getting harder&more demanding), then using EWS watching Intros(not formal Data Science knowledge at all!), and I became fatigued...(I'm still on Youtube, why not watching game show:D,lol) . These S*** consume most of my time instead of studying on my Physics class in which I am passionate as well. It's time to reduce my workload.
No DS intro on Youtube, I will(am) finish(ing) Andrew's ML first. I will(am) better(ing) my grades on PHYS435\427\325&ECE487. I am starting understanding finance&more.
After solving the first problem, what about 'I don't know what to write'? Volla, it is not a question any more. Because I'm still here, recording my wonderful life.