
流利说商务英语学习笔记Level5 Unit2 Part 2 A

2020-03-14  本文已影响0人  无厌伽蓝

oh my god,这些商科的文章好难翻译,不过SWOT分析法是真的很有用,我们对自己也可以进行SWOT分析。

A SWOT Analysis


A SWOT analysis is a way to evaluate a company’s position in a market. It identifies a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A business may conduct a SWOT analysis to assess its performance and develop strategies.

Strength: A strength is an advantage that a company has over its competitors. It is what a company excels at. Strength can include effective management, strong brand equity or positive company culture. A strength is an internal factor which means a company has controlled over it.

Weaknesses: A weakness is an issue that prevents a company from performing at its best. It is the internal problem of the company. Weaknesses include debt, outdated technology or high turn over. Companies need to address their weaknesses in order to stay competitive.

Opportunities: Opportunities are positive factors in a market. They are external which means they exists outside of a company. Examples of opportunities include new technology or customer demographics. If a company identifies an opportunity early on, it can gain an advantage over its competitors.

Threats: A threat is an external factor that could harm a company. Example of threats includes economic downturn and increased competition. A company cannot control threats, but they can respond to them. By anticipating a threat, a company can minimize its impact. In a nutshell, a SWOT analysis can help you pinpoint problems and develop relevant strategies.


In a nutshell 简而言之 eg. In a nutshell, a SWOT analysis can help you pinpoint problems and develop relevant strategies.
pinpoint 准确找到 relevant 相关的
anticipate 预测 eg. By anticipating a threat, a company can minimize its impact.
minimize 最小化 impact 影响
economic downturn 经济低迷 eg. Threats include an economic downturn.
external 外部的 internal 内部的 eg. Threats and opportunities are external factors, while strengths and weaknesses are internal factors.
early on 在早期 eg. If a company identifies opportunities early on, it can gain an advantage over its competitors.
customer demographics 客户人口统计 eg. Examples of opportunities include new technology or customer demographics.
excel at 擅长于 eg. It is what a company excels at.
brand equity 品牌价值 eg. Strength can include strong brand equity.
control over 支配 eg. A strength is an internal factor which means a company has controlled over it.
issue 问题 eg. A weakness is an issue that prevents a company from performing at its best.


