
2018-09-27  本文已影响0人  如果仲有听日

1. 反射



public class Person {

    public String name = null;

    private int age = 0;

    public Person() {

        name = "kluter";

        age = 34;


    public Person(String name, int age){ = name;

        this.age = age;


    private Person(String name){ = name;



    public String toString() {

        return "Person [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + "]";


    public String getName() {

        return name;


    public void setName(String name) { = name;


    public int getAge() {

        return age;


    public void setAge(int age) {

        this.age = age;


    private void getSth(String testStr){





import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class MyReflect {

    public String className = null;

    public Class personClass = null;


    * reflect Person class

    * @throws Exception


    public void init() throws Exception {

        className = "com.gamebear.reflect.Person";

        personClass = Class.forName(className);



    * get a class object by reflect


    public void getClassName(){




    * get a class object by Class


    public void getClassName2(){




    * get a instance of object, it will call the null param constructure

    * @throws Exception


    public void getNewInstance() throws Exception{




    * get non-private constructor with params

    * @throws Exception


    public void getPublicConstructor() throws Exception{

        //get constructor by params

        Constructor constructor = personClass.getConstructor(String.class, int.class);

        //use params constructor get a object instance

        Person person = (Person)constructor.newInstance("lesslin", 27);

        //print it out




    public void getPrivateConstructor() throws Exception{

        //get the private constructor

        Constructor con = personClass.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class);

        //set the limits of authority

        con.setAccessible(true);//delete the limits of authority

        //new a instance by private constructor

        Person person2 = (Person)con.newInstance("nainai");

        //print it out

        out.println("**" + person2.getName());

        out.println("**" + person2.getAge());



    * get public attribute

    * @throws Exception

    * @throws 


    public void getNotPrivateField() throws Exception{

    Constructor constructor = personClass.getConstructor(String.class, int.class);

        Object obj = constructor.newInstance("aaa", 11);

        Field field = personClass.getField("name");

        field.set(obj, "bbb");




    * get private attribute

    * @param args

    * @throws Exception

    * @throws 

    * @throws Exception


    public void getPrivateField() throws Exception{

        Constructor constructor = personClass.getConstructor(String.class, int.class);

        Object obj = constructor.newInstance("ccc", 33);

        Field field2 = personClass.getDeclaredField("age");


        field2.set(obj, 44);




    * get and call public method


    public void getNotPrivateMethod()throws Exception{


        Object obj = personClass.newInstance();

        Method method = personClass.getMethod("toString");

        Object object = method.invoke(obj);




    * get and call private method

    * @param args

    * @throws Exception


    public void getPrivateMethod()throws Exception{

        Object obj = personClass.newInstance();

        Method method = personClass.getDeclaredMethod("getSth", String.class);


        Object value = method.invoke(obj, "test***********");




    * other method in reflect

    * @param args

    * @throws Exception


    public void otherMethod()throws Exception{

        //get the class Loader


        //get all the implement Interfaces

        Class[] interfaces = personClass.getInterfaces();

        for(Class class1 : interfaces){



        //reflect the direct super class of this class


        //is array


        out.println(new String[3].getClass().isArray());

        //is Enum


        //is interface



    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        MyReflect mr = new MyReflect();


        // mr.getClassName();

        // mr.getClassName2();

        // mr.getNewInstance();

        // mr.getPublicConstructor();

        // mr.getPrivateConstructor();

        // mr.getNotPrivateField();

        // mr.getPrivateField();






2. 动态代理


所以我们不能只为了新业务需求修改doS omething(),导致其他模块受影响。那么我们可以通过动态代理的方式,扩展doSomething的方法实现,使得在原有的方法中增加更多的业务逻辑,但又不是修改soSomething。








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