Remember that all 5 Steps procee
That’s all there is to it!
Remember that all 5 Steps proceed from your values. Your values determine what you want, i.e., your goals. Also keep in mind that the 5 Steps are iterative. When you complete one step, you will have acquired information that will most likely lead you to modify the other steps. When you’ve completed all five, you’ll start again with a new goal. If the process is working, your goals will change more slowly than your designs, which will change more slowly than your tasks.
谨记,这五步中的每一步都源自你的价值 观。你的价值观决定了你想要什么,即你的目 标。同时谨记,这五步是层层递进的。每完成一 步,你都会获得一定的信息,很可能有助于你改 进其他步骤。这五步都完成后,你可以设定一个 新目标,再做一遍。如果这个流程行之有效,你 的目标会比你的规划变得慢,你的规划会比你的 任务变得慢。
One last important point: You will need to synthesize and shape well. The first three steps—setting goals, identifying problems, and then diagnosing them—are synthesizing (by which I mean knowing where you want to go and what’s really going on). Designing solutions and making sure that the designs are implemented are shaping.
最后还有一件重要的事:你必须善于综合分 析,善于塑造。前三步——设定目标、找出问 题、诊断问题,都是综合分析(意思是既明白你 的目标也知晓现实进度)。规划解决方案和确保 方案落实是塑造。