a couple of weeks ago
my turn to give a presentation
in relation of to some of the other people in my group
overall style
read their notes aloud
it was relief to do it this way
sense of satisfaction
it is partly that
originate from
depend upon
apart from
classroom routine
class activity
get on with
outside class hours
eg:it is the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours
take a lot less room
a bit out-of-date
more current
go with our latest course
break them up
reach some agreement on
supervise the centre after the calss
unwritten ideas 不成文规定
take the form of
eg:one of the benefits of this culture is that the organisation has the ability to act quickly, so it responds well to threat, or danger on the one hand, and opportunity on the other.
on the negative side
achieve economies of scale实现规模经济
fixed costs
suit employees who value security
delegate the projects, the people and the other resources
great depth of expertise
jot down
sufficient background information 足够的背景信息
go through 过一遍
get points down记录下来
I always advise is do not just take your notes and forget about them
fix them in your mind牢记
disused stone quarry 废弃采石场
increase insulation增加绝缘
energy-efficient 节能
convert energy
generate electricty
national grid国家电网
electricity surplus 电力剩余
我们说主人 拥有者 属于 可以用owner
reclaimed wood 再生木材
deal with the waste produced in the house
frightening thoughts
run in a way
is completely environmentally friendly.
granted credits 授予学分
alter your viewpoint towards academic study
content of the lectures
to specialise in
set aside 留出
practical sessions 实习课程
interim findings 中期发现/临时发现
24% to be precise 准确的说是24%
no difficulties with our efforts to count precisely
on the decline in the countryside
feed on 喂养
to be launched 开始 启动