
2018-01-12  本文已影响0人  甜菜的垂耳兔

Asia is our common homeland and the the peace,stability and development of which is relevant to the common fate of people in Asian countries.

官方:Asia is the home of all of us. Peace, stability and development in Asia are crucial to the well-being of the people in our region.



1.home 是家园,homeland是祖国,不同  2.共同命运:well-being指人类的幸福吧

3.关系到:crucial 此处是至关重要的,或者说该句可以改成“亚洲的和平、稳定、发展对于亚洲各国人民的共同命运是至关重要的”。


1.我们共同的,翻译成common(无可厚非),但是有了我们这个词,就用all of us比较顺,毕竟是一个词组

2.亚洲各国人民 前文有了asia,下面不必重复,直接说our region.(英文的借代,多称呼的特点

我们高兴地看到,在当前总体和平稳定的国际环境下,亚洲也迎来了有史以来较为稳定 的和平发展时期。我们经常说这就是一个最重要的新机会。

We are glad to see that asia welcomes its relatively stable and peaceful period of development  in history under the overall peaceful and stable global environment and it is a most important new opportunity.


We are heartened to see that just as the world today enjoys overall peace and stability, so Asia is in a relatively stable and peaceful period for development rarely seen in its history. Now we are faced with this important opportunity.



1.高兴的  heartened本意是振作的,这里用来表示高兴(无可厚非),是高级词汇不会扣分,或者说用delighted也可以

2.和平发展介词用for.不用 of for development算是标准搭配吧。

3.有史以来其实算比较纠结的,就是从来没有在历史上见过的,有很多种译法。一种是用最高级,比如说the most exciting,一种算是直译,原文中的rarely seen in its history.




3.再由上述,sb enjoy sth成功地省略了国际环境这一修饰词,可以说一石二鸟。既让句子多元化,又简洁了表达。



在亚洲各国政府和人民的共同努力下,亚洲的发展正呈现出前所未有的良好态势, “我们说,要把握亚洲寻求共赢的新机会,这又是一个新机会。”

    Under the joint efforts of governments and people in Asian countries,Asia has got unprecedented good development,This is another opportunity that asia should seize to make win-win progress.

原文:Thanks to the joint effort of the governments and peoples of Asian countries, Asia has registered an unprecedented sound momentum of development

This is another opportunity that Asia should  seize to make win-win progress.



2.算是固定搭配了,呈现良好态势,register sound momentum.

技巧:1.中文常常会有很隐晦的关系隐藏其中,这一点在英文翻译中需时刻牢记,比如说这里“共同努力下”,“产生良好态势”中间有因果关系,但是中文用一个连接,有隐含的因果关系,假如按照中文翻译那就是一个并列句。但是并不是并列关系。因此,使用句型的时候,使用由于比较好,此处用“thanks to ”有多亏了,由于的意思,很常用。



which can be seen in the gradual development of Asian tremendous market potential,the obvious achievement of economic structure adjustment in Asian countries and regions,the continous speed of upgrading and improving of industries and constant high-speed economic development .Now,Asia has been one of the most rigorous  economic regions all over the world.

原文:marked by the unleashing of huge market potential, effective economic restructuring in various countries and areas,accelerating industrial upgrading and fast and sustained economic growth. This has made(因果关系) Asia one of the most dynamic regions in the world. 



1.突出表现 marked by

2.巨大的市场潜能得到开发 the unleasing of huge market potential

3.经济结构调整的成效显著 effective economic restructuring

4.产业优化升级继续加快 accelerating industrial upgrading

5.经济持续快速发展 fast and sustained economic development

6.活力 用dynamic 而不是vigorous



亚洲和平、稳定、发展的整体氛围,促进了亚洲区域合作进程的快速发展,一个平 等、多元、开放、互利的地区合作新局面正在逐步形成。

      Asia enjoys peace,stability and development,which contributes to the rapid development of its regional cooperation process,thus gradually forming a new regional cooperation stage that features equality,diversity,openess and mutual benefit.

原文:The overall peace, stability and development in Asia have led to fast progress in the regional cooperation process. A new type of regional cooperation based on equality,diversity,openness and mutual benefit is taking shape. 

词汇:1.形成 take shape


特别是以东亚、东盟、中亚、 南盟、亚洲合作对话以及多双边自由贸易安排为标志,各种形式的区域、次区域经济合作蓬勃发展。这同样也是一个新机会。

Various regional and sub-regional economical cooperation flourished,including coopertion dialogues and bilateral and multilateral free trade arrangement among East Asia,the Association of Southeast Asian Nations,Central Asia,the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation and Asia.This is another opportunity that Asia should seize.

原文:Various regional and sub-regional economic cooperation mechanisms have grown in strength, which include the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, AsiaCooperation Dialogue, those in East Asia and Central Asia, and multilateral and bilateral free trade arrangements. This is another opportunity that Asia should seize.



1.东盟  Association of Southeast Asian Nations

2.南盟 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation



这些积极而重大的变化,既为推动亚洲区域合作提供了有利条件,也为亚洲各国和 地区的发展带来了历史性机遇。

These positive and major changes have both provided good conditions for regional cooperation and historical opportunity for the development of Asia.

原文:These positive and major developments have brought about both favorable conditions for regional cooperation and historical opportunities for the development of Asia.


1.有利的  favorable


1.像这种并列句,既…又的,通常有两个动词,假如都写两个动词有点麻烦,因此用一个折中的 brought about

只要我们继续相互尊重、平等对待,把握发展的机会, 把握住自己的命运,就一定能够促进亚洲的发展与振兴,达致互利共赢的目标。

And we continue to respect mutually and treat each others equally ,grasp the opportunity for development and seize our destiny, we will certainly promote the development and rejuvenation of Asia and  achieve mutual benefit and win-win progress.


We should respect and treat each other as equals, seize the opportunities of development and hold our destiny in our own hands. As we do this, we will certainly achieve mutual benefit and win-win progress and promote development and rejuvenation of Asia.


1.复兴 rejuvenation

2.互利共赢 mutual benefit and win-win progress.

3.把握住hold sth in my hand


